
Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Other than a quick trip to Cincinnati last week, the majority of my time lately has been spent either at the sewing machine or cleaning/purging/organizing our house. A three hour trip to Ikea will do that to you... Nesting much?

I'm sure you don't care too much about the organizing details, so let's get to the sewing.  I've made curtains for a bathroom and the boys' room, but they're not too exciting so no pictures. But isn't sewing curtains really satisfying?  Not much effort involved but it makes a room look so much more put together when they finally get hung. Speaking of curtains, I got these for our bedroom and I love them. I promise they look much better in person and they look great with the new greyish color of our walls. Though I'm going to have to make a new quilt for our bed now...Anyone with fabric/pattern suggestions?

Before we left I decided I needed a new bag. I keep trying to use my 241 tote as a diaper bag and cramming way too much into it, so a bigger bag was in order. Since I already knew the Go Anywhere bag was a quick one to make that's what I chose.
I used three Denyse Schmidt prints and Essex linen. I really like the main print, but wish I had made the handles with something other than the Essex. It just needs a little more color. Maybe I need to attempt a couple of those fabric flower tutorials I keep seeing...

I also made another Jane Market bag, this one for myself. I didn't use any interfacing and I really like it since I can just roll it up and throw it in my other bag. I actually used it yesterday at Sam's and was surprised how much stuff I got in there.

Of course I had to do some baby sewing, too. I used the free Basic Newborn Pants pattern from Made by Rae and added a cuff at the bottom. Super quick to sew up and pretty darn cute, too! I'm steadily checking things off my list to sew for the baby, now I just need to get on that crib skirt. They're so easy I really don't know why I keep putting it off. I've had the fabric for about two months now.

And finally, while in Ohio I made a little trip up to Fabric Shack (nicest people ever!) and had a great time picking out this stack for a twin-sized quilt for Max now that he's in a real bed. I want it to coordinate with Wyatt's and Carson's but not really match.

So there you go. Today has been pretty much the same...assembling furniture and throwing out crap we don't need.

 Oh, and turning a bunch of these into sauce...


  1. Whew, is it time for you to go put your feet up for a bit? You've been busy! I love your new Go Anywhere bag. Really cute.

  2. Sounds like you've been getting a lot done! And I can't help but notice so many parallels between what you've been doing and what I've got going on-- I've been cleaning and organizing our house (in preparation for a move in about a month!), I'm planning to visit the fabric shack when I'm in Cincinnati in a few weeks, I've been thinking about sewing up a go anywhere tote, I've been canning some produce, and I've been planning to make some baby pants for my future niece! Can I just borrow this post in about a month? I also have to say, I love all of your fabric choices-- especially those for the bags you shared! Lots of good stuff going on here.

  3. Both your bags are awesome! I love that Jane Market bag. I keep telling myself I need to buy that pattern.

  4. You have been really productive! If you have any time before your baby comes, you should swing by my place and finish a few things for me. ;) Those little pants are just too cute!

  5. Sounds like a fun trip, and love the new bags :o)

  6. At least you've been machine is probably going through withdrawls. I am in love with your 241 tote. So cute! And I love how much a simple flower can add to a bag. When I did the Sew Mama Sew Bag Swap I added a fabric flower and it was just what the bag needed. I can't wait to see Little Miss' nursery when you get it all done!

  7. Are you willing to post your tomato sauce recipe? I really want to turn tomatoes to sauce this year. :)

  8. Those tomatoes look positively scrumptious. Being mid winter here, tomatoes are pretty awful!

    All the fabric related activities look and sound good. I wish I had your enthusiasm for curtain making; I bought fabric for Older Grandson's curtains well over a year ago and started them last November - I still haven't finished them. I feel guilty now - winter is half done and his bedroom is so cold!

  9. You are SO busy! Great new bags you've made, and I love the baby clothes!

  10. Love the bags you have made, especially the Go Anywhere one!
