
Friday, July 6, 2012

If I Weren't Pregnant...

I'm pretty sure I would have drank an entire bottle of wine after finishing these blocks. Even if it was 10:00 AM...

This month for our Do Good Stitches circle we are using Lynne's ET Phone Home template to make two of these paper pieced blocks in red, blues, and grey. 84 pieces of hell. 

Ok, that is a bit of an exaggeration, but it literally took all day to make one of these suckers. Don't look too closely at the center of that second block, either. It looks awful, but since the rings themselves match up okay the ugliness stays. It has already been taken apart at least four times. Making each of the eight sections really wasn't that bad and started to go quickly, but it is the joining of pairs into halves and halves into the whole block that was frustrating. The first block I did went together fairly easily, but not the second. The good news? I'm done! Honestly, I really like how this block looks and wouldn't hesitate to make another, but it may be a while...

Thankfully my other July bee blocks were simple...

"Floating Frames" for Kristina in Always Bee Learning

and "Binary" for Debbie in the Modern Blocks Bee.

And now that my "Have-To" sewing for the month is done, I can get back to my "Want-To" list. First up, making the backing for this quilt top I made the other day for Baby Girl:

And one final thing...
The other day after lunch Max decided he was tired, so he just went in and laid right on top of Roger, who was already taking a nap on the couch. He is the only one of the kids that will voluntarily sleep when they are tired! And yes, my kid is still in pajamas at lunch time. Don't judge.


  1. That last photo is the cutest thing I have ever seen. They must have been sweating!! Those blocks are awesome, but sound totally hateful so I won't be trying all those little triangles. Baby girl quilt is beautiful, love the colors!

  2. First of all, the block looks amazing, so don't you say that it looks bad! lol That stinks it took so long, I know how that feels - frustrating!

    I love that binary block! So simple but it really appeals to me.

  3. Lol....mine just go to bed in their clothes...then they can say they are dressed when they get up at noon. (They are a tad older than yours). Looks like quality time with dad,

    You blocks are beautiful.

  4. thank you thank you thank you. i needed a laugh today at work, and your napping boys did the trick. how fabulous is that photo! your blocks look great. i wouldnt touch that star block with a 10 foot pole, You did a great job with them

  5. Love that final pic!
    The ETs look great, and some quilting lines will easily detract from any mismatch - I have the papers already printed for this block!

  6. Are you kidding me! We stay in our pajama's all day as much as possible :-) I can't believe those blocks! Since you can't drink you deserve 5 lbs. of chocolate! At least!

  7. Your ET blocks look great! June was my last month participating since I'm due early August, and I was a little sad I wasn't going to get to make these since they look so cool...but after reading *84* pieces, I'm not as sad, lol.

  8. Wow! That is seriously making me reconsider the do. Good group. Yikes! I think I am still waiting for a group to form, hopefully we don't start off with paper piecing right away. You did a great job on the ET blocks, they look amazing! And I do think it's the rings that matter, not the center as much.

    Oh and my kids are still in their PJs, except for Miss H, who is the blow-out queen. :)

  9. Awww...what a cute photo!!
    I love your ET blocks - I didn't notice the centre until you pointed it out!

  10. Oh so cute! And the blocks are great too :)

  11. Wich DGS group are you in? I'd love to see all of these blocks. "84 pieces of hell" made me laugh!

  12. Oh, jeez! You definitely deserve a drink after those blocks! Or at least some chocolate??
    They turned out great though!! Love the pic of your sleeping boys. :)

  13. Oh gosh, kudos to you for pressing on and finishing! I really struggle with this type of paper piecing, in fact the lovely Lynne was the recipient of a half-finished union jack block from me a couple of years ago because I just could not get it right - after many attempts and repeated mistakes I had to admit defeat. But I will get back on the horse because I just love these blocks so much!! I just need some spare time (hahaha). And that photo of your little one is so funny, we get that too. They seem to like sitting on poor old daddy's head - why?!

  14. Ha ha! That is the cutest picture ever! Nothing like a foot in your eye!

  15. Oh are really enticing me to work on my blocks now...not! ha ha! ;)

  16. I love all of your blocks Toni! Such a cute photo of Max and Roger too - definitely one to be shown at his 21st birthday:)

  17. Neither of my grandsons will voluntarily goto bed!

    That block is amazing - well done you!

  18. oh the blocks all look great, and thanks so much for mine! Love the pic of hubs & son!

  19. Your blocks look great - especially the hellish ET phone home!

  20. Oh, I love that last photo :-) The ET block is hard work isn't it! But I also found it very obsessive and kept going til it was finished. Love the colours that you have used

  21. Too funny, the blocks, the sleeping guys. I want to make that star so I will do it one day when I am totally on my game and have wine at the ready for the finish for sure. Your other bee blocks are lovely too, I am making mine tomorrow I hope.

  22. Well done on the stars, maybe you should have been mainlining chocolate during the ordeal ;o) Loving the sleeping pic

  23. You are cracking me up! There are some blocks that are just hard to find that groove-I'd have gladly joined you for that drink on several occasions with blocks lately:). And that nap pic is too cute! I have one kid who will climb into bed when he's tired...but the other two fight sleep with every ounce they have. My oldest will walk into my room in the morning and swear to me he didn't sleep -not one wink! He says he never gets tired, and I about believe him! The new baby quilt turned out so cute!

  24. Well, first--I can't judge on the pjs thing because it's almost lunchtime here and the only one out of their pajamas at my house is Chris and that's because he had to go to town this morning!! Your blocks look awesome, but I can totally relate to the tedious-ness. I have had on-again/off-again sewing mojo and interest in anything other than straight line sewing lately. And tomorrow we're off to the beach for a couple days...oh well. The sewing machine will be there when I get back around to it... Hope you are well!!!!

  25. Holy crap, that block looks challenging! Great job.

  26. Your blocks turned out wonderfully. I really love how the placement of red & blue fabrics changed the feel of the second block.

    The nap-time picture is adorable!

  27. Great post! Although very challenging - you made us all laugh, cringe and cheer for you. :) All of the blocks are perfect - yea for being done with the "have-to" list. The backing for Baby Girl quilt is so cool! And as for nap time? Priceless. :)
