
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Random Thursday

Well, it is a good thing my husband had to go back to work tonight. Maybe I can finally get some things done around here! The last couple of days have been fun but not so great on my productivity. 

Tuesday, Wyatt had to go get his vaccinations updated for kindergarten(!) registration. He was so excited about it, even though he knew he would be getting shots. Afterwards, we thought we would take the boys on a train ride. They are moderately obsessed with trains and about once a week or so, Wyatt will sigh and tell us that he has never, never ridden a train before. The Indiana Railway Museum is about 2 hours from our house and it just happened that they had a ride on Tuesday. We were sure the kids were going to love our surprise. The verdict...completely underwhelmed. 

The ride was supposed to be about 40 minutes to a stopping point, then a short break and the return trip back to the museum. I think the only time they even acted excited was the first time the whistle blew. Oh, and when they brought around the popcorn. It didn't help much that on the return trip our engine broke down and we had to wait about 45 minutes until the replacement came. An extra 45 minutes sitting still on an un-airconditioned train on a hot day was almost more than Max could take. But thankfully we made it. And honestly, the adults around us were more whiny than all the kids on the train. 

Can't you just feel the excitement?

But I do believe the bright spot so far in Wyatt's week was today's Kindergarten Round-Up. That kid is so excited about going to school! I really hope the enthusiasm lasts for a while. 

And finally, for your viewing pleasure...

The Marker Eater


  1. Oh, gosh! Sorry the train ride was a bust. Your kids are awfully cute! Luke starts kindergarten in the fall too, so we can commiserate.

  2. My middle boy loved trains when he was little. He was about 2.5 when we took nim to ride the Terantua in Ft Worth. He was alternately thrilled and terrified. Watching his face was priceless.

    Getting things done is over rated....especially compaired to spending time with family.

  3. They like to fool us by giving us the opposite reaction of the one we're expecting. :o) And thank you for that marker picture. hahaha So adorable! xo

  4. haha...oh kids! So funny about the train - but the marked eater - hilarious! What fun!

  5. ah, its always the way: you think they are going to be sooo excited and then they arn't! Still, at least they can say they have been on a train!! LOve the marker picture

  6. Aww, man, sorry the train ride wasn't the excitement you hoped! As someone that takes the train every day I don't even think about it lol

    Loving the last pic, feed the starving children woman... ;o)

  7. Bwahahahaha! Your marker eater's so funny! And that's an awesome picture of your boys at the train station! I'm sorry they were underwhelmed, though... >_<

  8. What beautiful little boys! Your marker eater looks as if he enjoyed his snack

  9. Isn't it so frustrating when you plan a "fun" event and then it sort of falls flat?! But then other times it totally rocks, so it's kind of hard to predict! My oldest is a rising kindergartener too-good times!

  10. Oh gosh, your kids are adorable! They look like they keep you on your toes AND keep you laughing! Perfect!

  11. Oh I love your boys!! Blue chops n'all!

  12. That is always the way, the things you think they'll love... no response!! Haha, it keeps us on our toes!! Gorgeous boys :)

  13. How exciting for Wyatt to be starting kindergarten! As a former kg teacher, I hold a special place in my heart for that nervous/excited feeling that comes with starting school!! And, yes that enthusiasm fades (quickly!). Oren "feels sick" every morning now so that he can stay home and play with Momma, but he loves it once he's there.
    And I so feel you on the kids being less than excited, that's what my two always do too. We take them somewhere and we're so excited for them, and it turns out we're the only two excited!!
