
Monday, April 2, 2012


Gosh, I didn't realize it had been almost a week since I posted last! 

My husband has an odd work schedule so he is on a stretch of several days off and it seems that we are never home during this part of the rotation. Usually it is because we are going out of town somewhere, but this time has just been running errands and other boring things like that. Mostly getting things ready for farming. And a lot of time in the car means almost no time at the sewing machine...

But, I have gotten a few things done. Well, maybe not done, but at least started. Here are the blocks I have decided on for next month's do.Good Stitches...

We'll be using Elizabeth's Radiant Ring tutorial, which is the same as the Rolling Stone blocks I was working on earlier. After looking back at the two blocks I made with the various solid color backgrounds I decided that I really don't like them, so instead we'll be doing those same colors (orange, yellow, green, aqua) on a white background. I'm leaving it up to the other bee members to decide how they'll do their color placement. 

I also started making some fabric bowls using Nova's new Fabric Nesting Bowls pattern. 

This is obviously early on in their construction as they just look like placemats right now, but I'll be adding handles to them and hope to use them as the kids' Easter baskets. I've only gotten started on two as I ran out of interfacing and fusible fleece, so if I don't get to the store for more, at least the older two will have them. I don't think Max will care...

And look what fabric goodness came in the mail this week:

The beautiful Jennifer from Knotted Thread had a fun giveaway for her birthday last weekend, and I was the lucky winner of this beautiful FQ set of Hello, Pilgrim in the blue colorway. I can't wait to figure out something fun to do with this. Though I am wondering if it is a sign or something that I keep winning blue fabrics...


  1. I love your radiant ring blocks! So summery!

    I had my eye on the nesting bowls pattern too--can't wait to see how those turn out.

  2. How does everyone always win stuff??? You lucky duck :-) I love your bee blocks. They're going to make a beautiful quilt!

  3. Love your do.Good blocks! I need to try them sometimes...Can't wait to see the Easter baskets. Must same I'm thrilled the my daughter is using the one I made her years ago as HER daughters . . (back in the days of plastic canvas....)

  4. Can't wait to see your nesting bowls once they're finished. I've been admiring that pattern since I saw it.

    Your bee blocks look great too. Did you do the paper pieced method for those?

  5. Love, love your radiant bright and shiny. Can't wait to see the nesting bowls!

  6. Your rolling stones blocks are awesome! I didn't really prefer the pattern before, but you made them look fantastic!

    Hee, that would be funny if the fabric giveaway fairies were spilling the beans about your baby. :D

  7. I'm up next month in my do. Good group too! I haven't even really thought about it yet, but since I'm still finishing up last time's quilt, maybe that's why... Love your fabric winnings! And I can't wait to see how those placemats become bowls, I haven't seen this pattern before, I'm very interested...

  8. The blocks look great, looking forward to seeing your basket.

  9. Oooh, your Radiant Ring blocks look great, Toni! Love the color palette you're using, and I'm so glad the tutorial worked out nicely for you :) Lucky you, working on Nova's new basket pattern, I suspect I'm going to be buying it myself mighty soon! Love cute baskets! Can't wait to hear what you think of the pattern :)

  10. Gorgeous radiant rings Toni - it`s my turn too this month and I finally figured out a plan. Woo hoo! Congrats on the fabric.

  11. The blocks are gorgeous, I just love those colours! Congratulations on the win :)

  12. Oh Toni, you are going to be so outnumbered!
    The blocks are great - I have Nova'a pattern, can't wait to have the time to try it!

  13. Your blocks are fantastic! Those are some great colors. :) I'm intrigued by the fabric nesting bowls and can't wait to see what you make. The Hello Pilgrim set looks very promising. Maybe a blue quilt is in order. :)

  14. Hmmm, perhaps another boy?? The blocks look great!

  15. Wow! First of all, your blog is adorable! Well done here. I cant wait to see how you turn those placemat looking things into those bowls. Great color selection!

  16. Your bee blocks look great and the fabric bowls are a GREAT idea for an Easter basket. Looking forward to seeing the after photo. Congratulations on your win! :)

  17. I love your color choices. Before today, I would have said I'm not an orange OR a yellow person. But wow, you officially converted me. Very nice.

  18. i love the first block photo in this post. so yummy and citrus-y!
