
Tuesday, April 10, 2012


It feels like I have been working on this thing forever! 

Really, it has only been about four months or so since I started it, but it has probably been at least three since I made much progress on it. And since it was supposed to be finished for Wyatt's birthday at the beginning of February I've felt pretty guilty about letting it sit in a pile in my sewing room. 

I doubt you remember, but Wyatt was quite specific about how he wanted his quilt to look. I'm pleased to say that he is thrilled with it and as soon as I gave it to him, he started running around the house with it draped over his shoulders like a superhero cape. I'd call it a win. 

He wanted a red back that was "soft" just like Carson's, so I had to use that annoying chenille/minky kind of stuff again. It feels so good, but to me is a total pain. On Carson's quillow, I just turned and top stitched, then tied it every so often. I decided to attempt a little quilting on Wyatt's. In the end, I like how Wyatt's turned out a little better. 

I kept the quilting very simple and just did a long wavy line down each of the colored strips. It actually quilted better than I expected, but no matter what I did to my tension or what size needle I tried, the red backing kept coming through the quilting stitches. I'm hoping once it gets washed and dried it won't be so noticeable. Here is a close up:
I wanted to try and get some pictures of this yesterday, but it was really windy outside so I waited for this morning hoping it would be a bit calmer. Then I remembered that my kids tore down my clothesline last week pretending to be sloths, so I asked Wyatt to get in a chair and hold it up for me. 

He insisted on wearing the cowboy hat he made in preschool yesterday. He was still a little short and his arms got tired after the first picture, so I think he'll only be on duty for baby quilts for a while. He loves it and I don't have to see it glaring at me from my sewing cabinet anymore, so I'm pleased!


  1. It looks great and I Love how he held it up with the cowboy hat. Even better was how you mentioned your boys tore down your clothesline being sloths...sounds exactly like something mine would do and I'd get irritated and then just be glad they were playing outside and using their imaginations!
    Finishes always feel good don't they? Especially when they've been hanging out wanting to be done for awhile and glaring at you. :)

  2. This looks so cozy, I love it!

  3. haha - love the pic and Wyatt with his cowboy hat on! ;-) precious. Congrats on the fun finish! Bummer about the backing, but I've never used that minky so would only know to check what you already checked. Glad it's done tho & well appreciated!

  4. Love the quilt - great fabric and color choices! Wyatt is so cute in his cowboy hat. I'm sure this quilt will be well loved.

  5. It is wonderful, good for you to finish it! And I love the cowboy hat for sure!

  6. Awesome!

    Love the quilt with a hat photo!

  7. Oh that's a lovely finish - and a great assistant you have there!

  8. Toni, it's awesome! And the cowboy hat is priceless. Funny how they INSIST on these sorts of things from time to time!

  9. I think cowboys make much better quilt holders anyway!

  10. great picture with the cowboy hat! And I love the quilt, its so colourful

  11. awe! what a great quilt toni and an even cuter cowboy to help you out!

  12. Yay! Wyatt's quilt looks awesome! I'm sorry that the minky came through to the top; I wonder how other people manage to keep that from happening? But I'm totally in the comfy-wins-over-pretty camp for quilt backs, so another yay for you for making a cozy quilt! :)

  13. That's a great photo of Wyatt holding the quilt with the cowboy hat! I can imagine him zipping around the house with the quilt as a cape. :) I wonder if using a micro-tex needle would help reduce the pull-through with the minky since it makes a smaller needle hole?

  14. great quilt! I love the cowboy hat & that they were playing sloths - what great imaginations! :)

  15. This is great! I know he'll love snuggling up with it. Definitely worth your hard work!
    I'm pretty sure our boys would get along great--Hanging on the clothesline pretending to be sloths--definitely something that would happen around here!

  16. Yay for superhero cape quality finishes! Love how you did the coloured strips on this, it looks so bright and cheery :o)

  17. it looks great!! congrats on finishing :)

  18. Congrats on a great finish!!!! I too find working with minky a real pain. Love the cowboy hat!!!

  19. It looks great Toni! Love the bright bold colors, awesome finish :-)

  20. Adorable assistant and great quilt!

    I don't have experience with sewing minky, but maybe it had to do with which side of the quilt was up. I am only assuming that you quilted it with the colorful side up (just because I would have), so maybe the minky popped through as the needle came up. If you quilted it the other way, obviously my theory is crap.

  21. Woo-hoo! A win for you and a win for Wyatt.
