
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

WIP Wednesday

Whew, what a morning! 

I went out early on this cold winter morning to start my Suburban so it would be all nice and toasty for the ride to take Wyatt to school, only to find that the battery was dead. Fabulous. Roger was already at work with the spare carseats in his car, so I had to make a short run to the barn and fire up his farm truck. I guess it is a good thing it has an extended cab so we can fit the kids in the back, but it is a huge pain in the rear to get three carseats back there, especially the enormous ones that Carson and Max ride in. I got them all in and drove back to the house to get the boys only to realize the gas tank was on empty. Luckily our tank at the house still had a little in it, so I got to stand out in the dark and pump gas, too. Only, I was wearing Wyatt's gloves and got gas on them. Oops

So, my son got to go to preschool wedged in the back of an old beater truck wearing one red mitten and one blue glove. And when his teacher came around to get him out, as she opened the door a coffee cup fell out and started to blow across the parking lot before she chased it down. I am sure to win Mother of the Year, right?

Ok, on to the real reason you're here...

I finished Carson's blanket in time for his birthday, but have yet to get any pictures of it. He was really excited about it for maybe a minute or two, then he dropped it on the floor and went to look for his tractor. But, he did want to sleep with it that night, so I suppose he likes it. Hopefully I'll get pictures soon. 

My January blocks for do. Good Stitches are finished, details are here

In Progress:
I paper pieced these little hearts yesterday, but I really have no plans for them yet. I like the top two, but I think the bottom one needs a little work. The patterns I used can be found here.

Still working on blocks for the Japanese x and + block swap. I've only gotten one more done, so this may be a fairly small swap from my end. Like...5 blocks. So maybe I'll have a mini quilt when we're all done?

Upcoming Projects:
I should be getting fabric in the mail soon to start on January's block for the Modern Blocks Bee. 

Alisha has requested the Quatrefoil block and will be using Bliss, so I'm sure it will be beautiful. Can't wait to get started on this Bee. I've also signed up for the second round of the For the Love of Solids Swap and am so excited about this one. Should be great fun! Here's the mosaic I made for inspiration:

Linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday.


  1. The stars look nice. Like how you mixed it up with a HST in the middle. I also like the hearts but paper piecing is not my thing. I saw this at WIP.


  2. The star is great and the hearts are amazing! I'm thinking on doing hearts like this for a long time...

  3. Awesome stuff. Love it. Your mosaic is beautiful. I especially love the quilt on the second row, third in. I contemplated the for the love of solids swap but I think I'm going to pass this time. Looking forward to seeing how it all goes with everyone else though!

  4. Love the star blocks. Your hearts turned out lovely as well. Hope you guys had a nice Christmas.

  5. Great start to the day!!
    Loving your blocks except that 'kind of x-rated, not quite sure what it is about it!?'heart.

    Oh I used my Modern Blocks book for the first time today!

  6. Love the story of your morning!! I hope the rest of the day was better?! Love the blocks and your swap mosaic is great!

  7. Lots of great projects. I hope your day finishes better than it started.

  8. l.o.v.e. those stars!! And I'm so excited about our first MBB block too AND FTLOS - great mosaic you made!

    Sorry you had a rough start to the day - hope things are going better!

  9. Oh no, that sounds like one of those mornings that is awful at the time, but you can (hopefully) laugh about later! I love the blocks you've been making, they're gorgeous! They make me want to start some new quilts :)

  10. Oof, hope your day improved! Love your blocks, and great mosaic too!

  11. ha ha, mother of the year, you did fine! the joy of having kids, I do stupid stuff like that too, yours wasn't stupid though, just bad luck I guess.
    your mosaic looks great BTW

  12. Awful start to your day, Toni! I certainly hope it got better. Your stars are fabulous, as it you paper piecing!
    Im only planning 5 blocks for the swap as well.

  13. Ugh, car issues. I hope your day is going better now!

    I love all of your hearts, especially the bottom one because it has character.

    Great mosaic for FTLOS. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  14. Your blocks are fantastic! I especially like the heart on the top left.

    I think you're a great mom -- I would have just said it was a day to call in sick to school. Moving car seats is no fun! :>

  15. Oh toni you make me laugh... speaking from experience we teachers totally understand! Your blocks are fabulous... loving the mosaic also... keep smiling yeah! Schools back and so is the routine... even if it started somewhat shaky! K x

  16. Hee hee, sorry your morning was crappy. If it makes you feel better, because of the 100mph winds we've had here, I had to walk the mile and a half to work this morning, including pushing a woman, whose car had broken down, out of the middle of the road, oh, and all this in the pishing rain. Any better? ;o)

    Okay, now onto the block love, love all the red ones and looking forward to seeing the Quatrefoil!

  17. I like the bottom heart! It reminds me of the pregnancy photos people take (I've seen a ton on Pinterest) where mom and dad make their hands into hearts on mom's belly. :)

  18. Ha ha. Woke up feeling very flat and grumpy... but this has cheered me up no end. See, your bad morning was worth it (for me, at least). ;)

    Love all your blocks (as always) but those hearts are adorable. I'm not normally a heart person but I'm totally into those.

  19. I hate mornings like that (usually happens to me on the day of a big presentation). When it rains, it pours! Thanks for reminding me about WIP Wednesday too. :) I need to get back into the swing to things.

  20. Wow, I love those stars!! And your mosaic for FTLOS, of course :)

  21. Love those blocks, Toni! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the Quatrefoil block because I'm doing a block a week from that book. Also love your inspiration mosaic for your solids swap.

  22. Everything looks lovely and I love those paper pieced hearts! I took my car to the dealership the other day for an oil change and inspection, and they told me my battery was about to die. Thankfully we were given a heads up, I could only imagine going into labor and not being able to crank up the car! Sounds like you had a great morning! LOL

  23. It's days like that that make you appreciate when things go smoothly. I love your red/pink/white blocks. They look so fresh.

  24. I think the hearts look fantastic!

  25. Toni, seriously how do you do it all? When my kids were young like yours my sewing machine didn't even show it's face! I LOVE your do good blocks! And I can't wait to see your Quatrefoil.
