
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Random Saturday

Several totally random tidbits I want to share this morning, so let's have some bullets...

  • Katy is discussing an informal Swoon-Along. I want to make this pattern for my parents, but have no idea what fabrics/colors to use. She's even started a flickr group...
  •  Apparently, you can't copy and paste a picture into your blog post. Well, you can, but your post won't show up in Google Reader or on your Blogger dashboard, only if you visit your site directly. I tried it the other day and could not figure out why my post wasn't showing up in Reader. Interesting...
  • I made Susan's potatoes the other night and the whole family devoured them. So simple and so good.
  • Have you seen the cute new products designed by Kate Spain that are available at Michael's? We don't have a Michael's anywhere close to us, so at least I don't have to worry about temptation...
  • Out of nowhere, I've been getting lots of re-pins from something I pinned 27 weeks ago. Guess it's time?
  • If you add Font Squirrel to your Reader, you'll get updates on free fonts you can download...
Ok, I had a couple more but we have to head out to NE Indiana to deliver a forklift and pick up some tractor tires. The fun never ends...


  1. I have the Swoon pattern but haven`t done anything with it yet - off to check out Katy`s. Have a great Saturday Toni!

  2. Oh I'll be in for the swoon. I have an idea for mine but it's finding the right fabric.

  3. Ooh, thanks for the swoon-along info! I'm in!!

  4. Thanks for the fonts squirrel link.... I did not know before.

  5. Lol, I'm getting tons of pins for some cake pops I posted last year too for some reason, there must be some mad sweet treats contest somewhere!

  6. I like your random list! Must try those potatoes. I do something similar, but this seems even easier.

  7. A SWOON-along?! Oh my, I can't believe it comes along now - you will totally enjoy, though, & I will enjoy watching!! And your pins - how crazy is that?! hmmm

  8. The swoon-a-long sounds like fun! Oh, I'll have to find you on Pinterest. :o) Have a great weekend, Toni!

  9. I want to Swoonalong, but that will mean at least 4 huge quilts on the go - not sure I am capable of that level of multi-tasking!

  10. I saw the post about the Swoon-a-long. I'm considering make one block into a mini quilt for it. I was going to make one anyway, so I figure I could do it now if I can find the right fabrics.

    No Michael's? I do prefer Hobby Lobby for certain things, but can't imagine not having one nearby.

    I hope you had fun with your errand! At least it's time to work on something on the drive.

  11. i've had some really random pinterest action lately too... ??

  12. I'm so grouchy about Swoon -- before Christmas, I saw a ridiculous deal at Fat Quarter Shop for a Swoon kit for $40 (crazy!), and I asked my husband if he wanted to get that for my Christmas present; otherwise, I was going to get it for myself. He said he wanted to get it... and then of course FORGOT. And now I'm too grumpy to do anything with Swoon.

    But! That's so cool about Font Squirrel! I'd never thought about putting something like that in my reader. I love fonts! So cool! :)
