
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

WIP Wednesday, vol 14

Here is this week's only finish:

Since this is really all the sewing that has gone on in the last couple weeks it seems like I've been dragging them out every time I post! If somehow you have missed seeing all my posts about them, you can find more details about my Christmas Tree Pants here.

I had hoped to have the beginnings of a new quilt to show you today, but well, another unexpected project suddenly got started yesterday instead....
This used to be a bathroom. 
We have been needing to remodel our bathrooms since we bought this house last year but other projects and life in general kept getting in the way. But last week we finally had an Amish acquaintance come and give us an estimate for the work, though he assured us that there would be several jobs ahead of ours so it would probably be about a month before they could get to it. Well, it has been rainy here the last few days and apparently most of their other work is roofing, so they decided to stop in yesterday morning and get to work. To say I was unprepared would be an understatement

However, everything went very smoothly and efficiently so hopefully the rest of the job will follow suit and I can get back to sewing soon! 

I'm not even going to bother linking up today, but be sure to check out W.I.P. Wednesday with Lee at Freshly Pieced to see what everyone else has been working on!


  1. I have plans to start a pair of those pants for my sister. Yours look awesome! Remodeling is always a little annoying, but hopefully, it will be done fast!

  2. Well - they are fab pants! I love those stars :) Hope the rain keeps up until your bathroom is finished.

  3. It's so funny that they just stopped by to gut your bathroom! Did they promise to finish it even if it gets sunny? >_<

    I say again: great pants!

  4. Well, I can see that having a bathroom just vanish like that might have thrown you a bit!

    Your pants look fab anyway :o)

  5. I hope it rains for the next few days!! Love your tree pants/trousers!

  6. Great pants ;)
    Good luck with the bathroom!

  7. The pants do look fantastic! It doesn't seem like there are ties on them - they just 'stay up' by themselves? Just curious.....

  8. It's always a good sign when workers clean up so well at the end of the day. I hope your bathroom reno is uneventful!

    Great looking pants!

  9. Christmas tree pants=amazing! I really like the scattered stars and the color palette. :)

  10. Hope it doesn't stop raining till the bathroom is finished and great job on the tree pants!

  11. Oh wow! Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
