
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday at the Table

I'm just barely getting this one in on Tuesday...

This week's Tuesday at the Table is a special one for a couple of reasons. Since this week is Thanksgiving here in the States, Debbie is encouraging everyone to share a Thanksgiving dish, post about the placemats/napkins that you've made and will be using, a new ingredient you want to try, or really anything as it relates to your "table". It is also special because she is hosting a giveaway for two "Winter Solstice" bundles of solids and Kathy of Pink Chalk Fabrics is giving away two $20 gift certificates, so be sure to check it out.

This year our Thanksgiving will be pretty laid back. Roger is working Thursday and Friday so we will stay here and the kids and I will probably make a special supper Thanksgiving night. Early Saturday we're driving down to Tennessee to celebrate at my sister's house with my entire family. I can't wait! 

One dish that I'm definitely going to make for our mini-feast is Chess Pie. Ever heard of it? I was surprised that a lot of people haven't. It is a Southern dessert, similar to a custard pie or buttermilk pie, but sweeter and with the addition of a bit of cornmeal and vinegar. Sounds appetizing, no? It is actually really, really good. It has kind of become a tradition that when my mom is here helping after I have a baby that she makes one for us. My husband loves Chess Pie now that he has been introduced to them. There are also several variations that I've seen, especially chocolate or lemon chess pies. I don't think I've had the lemon, but last time I was at my parents' my mom made a chocolate chess pie and I think I could have eaten the whole thing! 

They aren't the most photogenic pies, so if you do find a recipe for one chances are there won't be a picture with it. The recipe that I'm going to use is this one from Southern Living magazine, one of my personal favorites. Not only is it a great magazine filled with all kinds of articles about the Southern US, but they have the BEST recipes. I have a cookbook that is something like 20 years of their best recipes and it is the first one I go to when I have guests coming. 

And since I have no photos to show of my pie yet, instead I'll show you a fun plate that might someday hold a slice of pie. It's the Delilah Plate in Red, designed by Kate Spain for Crate and Barrel.

Ok, that about wraps it up for today, so be sure to head over to A Quilter's Table and check out the other great dishes from around the table!


  1. I didn't have chess pie until I moved to Alabama. Yum! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. I HAVE had chess pie! I made it once just cuz it sounded interesting. Tasty! So glad you get to be with your family...where in TN? My brother & his family are in Nashville & S Fulton. Also curious if you are investing in some KS plates?? They are really fun. Anyway - thanks much for linking up, Toni - I know you've had quite a day! (oh & I agree about SL mag - it's great!)

  3. I have heard of chess pie, but haven't tried it. It's been on my mental 'to make' list forever.

    I'm happy you get to spend time with your family even if it's not on the actual holiday! Chad only has Thursday off (and only because the bakeries he hauls flour to are closed), so we are just going for the day.

    That plate is amazing. I am going to pretend I never saw it so I'm not tempted to splurge. ;)

  4. We don;t have Thanksgiving and I have never heard of Chess Pie - I am starting to think we are missing out big time!

  5. Haven't ever tried chess pie, but sounds delish!

  6. Huh! I loooooove custard pie, so I think I'll try this (or try to get my sister to make it for me). That vinegar sure is funny!

  7. Sounds yummy! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
