
Monday, November 14, 2011

Random Monday

Oh my, is it a good thing when a weekend away feels like it was a week? 
I can't decide. We went to Cincinnati for the weekend but when I walked into the house last night I felt like I had been gone much longer! The massive piles of laundry waiting for me would make it appear that way, too. Ugh.

The main purpose of our trip was to get a few things at Ikea. Oh man, is it a good thing the closest one is nearly 4 hours away! I think the majority of my time this week will involve little allen wrenches and screwdrivers...

Here is one of the fun things I got:

The incredibly clever Hadley suggested the Trofast system as a worthy fabric management tool, so I thought I would give it a shot. I have another cabinet where I store the majority of my fabric, but this is going to house my smaller cuts and scraps that were getting out of control. I am more than a little excited to start sorting!

I also found out today that I am now a member of the Imagine circle of do. Good Stitches!

I'm so excited...and more than a little nervous!! I signed up as a quilter so that means that I have to design a quilt about once every 5 months for our circle to make. I'm not nervous at all about the actual act of receiving blocks and making the quilt, but choosing a block for everyone to make has me a little antsy! There have been so many amazing quilts made in this bee. I cannot wait to get started on ours!


  1. That storage system looks very useful.

    A weekend away can seem like longer but it doesn't take long before you feel like you've never been away!

  2. Oh, jealous! I've been wanting to make a trip to Ikea too.

    You'll be a great quilter for do. good Stitches! Have fun!

  3. Love IKEA! Congrats on your new acquisition, and your new bee. :)

  4. we use that same storage for the girls' toys (ahem, crap) in the living room. it's fantastic! i should post sometime about my ikea hack shelf i use for all of my sewing stuff. i love it :)

  5. Love that little storage unit! Wish we were closer to Ikea as well, for me it's a 1.5hr ferry ride plus a 1hr drive. Doesn't happen too often, let me tell you!

    Does ikea still sell fabric? I heard rumors that they were going to stop carrying it...

  6. Exciting! I love organizing fabric. I was looking at that system too a while back. It's nice!

  7. I went to Ikea this weekend too! Mine is only 20min away which is *dangerous*

  8. oh we love IKEA too - just walk in our family room & you'll see! ;-)
    Anyway, big congrats on do.Good Stitches!! Cool you are a quilter - you can show me how it's done, so eventually I can be too!

  9. Wow, four hours to get to ikea! Great buy though, you'll have to share your sewing space with us! Yay, you're in do. Good stitches - can't wait to see your quilt designs!

  10. Congrats! I also love the Ikea, perhaps too much my husband thinks. :)

  11. Yay for the Trofast!!!
    Congrats on the Do Good Stitches xxx

  12. Congrats on the do.Good Stitches! Ever since I started following Rachel I've thought about signing up on the wait list, but I don't think I have the time each month to commit to it. Maybe in the future.

    I have never been to Ikea because the closest one to me is also a 4 hour drive, but to Minneapolis. I just don't care for that city too much but have it in mind to make the drive just to check it out. Maybe next spring since we'll soon be blanketed in snow and I don't like driving that far in the winter.

  13. Heh, I have all my craft stuff in a combination of storage from Ikea and B&Q (which is like Home Depot), and yet I still seem to be running out of room o.O I need a total rethink at new year when I do my half yearly BIG clearout...

    Congrats on your bee inclusion too, I'm sure you'll be fine :o)

  14. Just saw that your dead simple quilt was featured at Quiltstory today! I have the same storage unit in my girls playroom (alas, it is full of playmobil and littlest pet shops, not fabric!)

  15. Love your new unit and congratulations on do good stitches!

  16. Your new scrap storage drawers look like they're going to be awesome! I'm totally jealous!

  17. I could totally do with one of those! I'm sure you'll be great at the bee :)

  18. I dont know why but Germany has the most ikeas in the world (4 just here in berlin!) I love it and hate it. Kinda overdosed in march when my mom moved and I had to spent 4 consecutive saturdays at ikea! But it's suberb for organizing!!!!

  19. CONGRATULATIONS TONI! You will rock at this. I cannot wait to see your creations. Sigh, I wish I had your energy (and since I just read over your planning the menu post above this one I know I will never be as organized either!!!) and am so glad it will be going to something so good. Yay! Huge hugs of support from moi!!!
