
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Menu Planning

Are you a meal planner? I mean, do you make an organized menu for your family and cook from that for the week/month? I try to be, but have been seriously slacking lately. I have no reason why, other than sheer laziness I guess. Or the fact that I'd rather be sewing...

I love how organized I feel when I have our meals planned out. I find that I am so much more productive during the day if I know what I'll be making and can possibly prep part of the meal in the morning or while the kids are eating lunch or napping. This, as opposed to ignoring the inevitable until 5 PM when the kids are restless, the baby is needy, and I'm hungry and getting crabby when I can't figure out what the heck to make for supper...

What does this have to do with you? Not much really, but when I'm organized about our meals that means I have much more time to sew! Everyone wants more time to sew, right?

So today I thought I would share three of my favorite places to find recipes that I know my family will devour. I love trying new recipes and do not like making the same thing over and over. I have found so many delicious, reliable recipes on these sites and I appreciate that all three of these women are committed to using real ingredients, not overly-processed "convenience" ingredients. 

 Alright, enough blabbing, here you go...

Mel's Kitchen Cafe ~ This is by far where the majority of my go-to meals come from. A few of our favorites are Teriyaki Meatballs, Divine Breadsticks, and Deep, Dark Chocolate Brownies. Her Barbecue Sauce is the best I've ever made and I always make a big batch to freeze. I think tonight I'm going to make her Chicken Enchilada Pasta.

Annie's Eats ~ A fellow Hoosier, some of our favorites from Annie are: Creamy Taco Mac, Jalapeno Popper Dip, and Sugar Cookie Bars.

Baked Bree ~ I haven't tried quite as many of her recipes as the others, but the ones I have made have been fabulous. Here are a few good ones: Herbes de Provence Chicken, Chardonnay Carrots, and Cinnamon Bun Pancakes.

OK, I am officially starving now so I think I'll make a menu plan for the week while the kids are eating lunch. Hopefully. 

I'll be linking up with Debbie for Tuesdays at the Table, which is where I'm about to go to see what other yummy things people have been making this week!


  1. oh wow! This is great, Toni! I will definitely be checking these out!! Back when the kids were living at home, I usually had meal plans for each week & shopped accordingly. Now, I 'wing it' - at least no one is fussy, but it still doesn't work that well. Something to consider doing again, for sure.

  2. I plan every single meal for an entire month at a time and do my food shopping twice a month accordingly. OCD has been mentioned (more than once ;o) ) however it's a lot cheaper than randomly hitting the supermarket for any old thing and picking up loads of excess that just gets tossed in the end

  3. Thanks for the links! I've already found at least five things I want to make, and it's perfect timing because I have to go to the grocery store tonight. :)

    I'm such a delinquent -- I usually think up two dishes I can shop for when I'm driving to the grocery store. The rest of our meals for the week come from leftovers, cupboard shopping, and takeout!

  4. I've never heard of any of these sites, so I will check them out! Thanks for the great idea! I used to plan our meals for around a week at a time, these days...take out it is! LOL

  5. Thanks for the links! I don't plan meals beyond using up what food I have available. I do also cook meals for the week on Sundays so I don't eat out and my boyfriend has something for dinner if he wants it. I think if we had kids I would plan more. Until then, this system is working for us.

  6. Oh my gosh Toni, I am so sick of trying to figure out what to make for dinner every night! Thanks for sharing.
    I just might make Teriyaki Meatballs tonight :-)

  7. I`m much hungrier now after looking at all those great links. Off to look at Debbie`s for more ideas and no, I don`t menu plan. Far too disorganized! Thanks for sharing and that chicken enchillada pasta looks yummy!

  8. like you, i prefer to menu plan, love how much more organized and smoothly running my day is when I do, but lately I've been leaving it until someone says they are hungry. thanks for the links, i'm definately in need of new recipes. i find making the same stuff over and over to be so boring.

  9. I'm always looking for new easy recipes so thanks for the links! I try to plan meals as much as possible, with the occasional night of 'I can't be bothered' easy options!! I use these cute printables to stick on the fridge :)

  10. I'm a new follower and I loved those links.... I'm SO not a meal planner, at about 4pm I think, hmm what's for dinner.... now lately my husband is on his own diet so it's just me and the kids- how about chicken nuggets in the oven and sweet potato fries?? is often my suggestion.... don't like it :-(

  11. I will be back when I am hungry for sure!

  12. Thanks for sharing! I'm trying to get back in the habit of meal planning.

  13. I menu plan by the week and agree that it makes me feel so much more efficient and "pulled together". It's challenging when I've got each son with an activity seemingly every night (no they are not that over scheduled - just soccer) so sometimes meals are eaten at 5pm or stretched to 8pm so I have to get crafty on what will keep well. I'm a fan of Annie's Eats but the other two are new to me - thank you!
