
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Friday Night Sew-In

I have been wanting to participate in the Friday Night Sew-In since I first heard about it this summer, but I never remember until after it has already past.  Yesterday evening as I was making supper I realized that it was probably about the right time for it, so I went to Handmade by Heidi and checked just to make sure.

Friday Night Sew-In is a party hosted by Heidi and her cousin Bobbi of Crafty Vegas Mom and all you have to do is, well, sew on a Friday night. Of course you have to show-off what you work on, too.

Usually once I get the kids to bed I want nothing more than to just sit down for a bit and catch up on what everyone else has been up to. That's right, I almost never sew at night! Honestly, I'm usually so tired at the end of the day that staying up late to sew just doesn't stand a chance against a little computer time and my bed! I am not one of those people who can function well on 5 hours of sleep either. I am a much better mom when I've gotten some sleep!

Roger was working last night, so once I got the kids to bed I didn't waste any time getting my machine out and continuing to quilt my Christmas Tree Pants. I've been working on and off over the last couple days to get the quilting done. It really doesn't take that long to finish a star once I get uninterrupted time to just sit down and do it, so I got all the quilting finished last and sliced them into pants.

Now I just need to tackle the binding...


  1. Oh wow, nice progress!! That's going to look awesome under your tree. Love the binding. :)

  2. wow - that looks terrific Toni! Glad you finished up the quilting!

  3. Oh, its so awesome! I love it. I wish I had something that cool to go under my tree. Maybe next year... Good for you on sewing on a Friday night. I'm just like you. I might get a little knitting done at night, but I'm a wimp when it comes to my sleep. I NEED it!

  4. It looks really good and I love the stripy binding!

  5. its looking fantastic, love the quilting and love the look of that binding!!

  6. Very nice! And I just LOVE the binding!

  7. I'm loving your Christmas tree pants! And that stripy binding will look fabulous - LOVE stripy binding.
    I'm the same - I rarely sew at night, but I try to do some hand sewing in front of the TV most nights. I need my sleep too!

  8. This is going to be so awesome! That binding...perfect.

  9. What a beautiful job on the quilting. And that binding will be fantastic on this!

  10. Even though I worked at an American school, it`s still funny for me to call something other than underwear `pants`. However, I love your tree pants and while I would love to join in FNS, I too don`t sew at night - perhaps in the spring!

  11. I'm so glad you got to join in - better late than never! :-)

  12. Oh my, I think I would not have dared to cut it up after quilting and everything. Very brave! And it's gonna be great!

  13. You have the hard parts done! Yay.

  14. That looks so pretty and the binding will just add that little bit of bling to it too :) Barb.

  15. I know how you feel about sewing at night, All I want to do is chill at that time of the day. I think that it was a good idea to bring out the sewing machine though...Fantastic again.

  16. love that striped binding! I don't sew at night either, for the same reasons :) now that it gets dark so soon, I'm finding it hard to squeeze in time at the machine - I really need sunlight to see what I'm doing {my eyes must be getting old on me, haha}

  17. You made great use of FNSI to get the quilting done on your Christmas tree pants (because not every tree wants to wear a skirt). I love that line... lol

  18. I so can relate to you saying that evenings are not the best time to get sewing projects finally done. But anyway you got enough motivation to work on your Christmas project and that's becoming wonderful!

  19. How fun that you got to participate in the sew-in! I hope I remember to join in next month! Nights are the only time I get to sew, and I was really sleepy last week so I didn't get much done. >_<
