
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Free Motion Friday

I had fun with this week's pattern, which was supposed to look like water molecules. I decided not to confine them to a box and I think that helped, since I couldn't get freaked out when I was getting too close to the sides. 

My only real problem with this design was having to decide where I was going to connect the molecules to each other. Sometimes I went from oxygen to oxygen, but others I jumped from hydrogen to oxygen or I got all crazy and let two molecules share a little hydrogen. I was having a hard time creating bonds where they shouldn't be!

And in the end, I've decided they look more like dancing M&M guys than water...

Can't wait to see what Cindy has planned for next week of FMQ Friday. You can visit her at Fluffy Sheep Quilting and join the fun!


  1. OMG, I love your M&M's!!! You sure did better than me, great job! I couldn't seem to get my head wrapped around how this design flowed.

  2. I like this quilting pattern,it's so cool, I used it recently for my QA and my turned out like aliens or ufos from another star.

  3. Wow! Very impressive! Love the way you've turned them into dancing M&Ms.

  4. Hee hee, I think you've created a whole new chemical element there, but it looks fab, whatever it is!

  5. wow - I have never ever seen that pattern in fmq - kinda scares me! But you are doing amazing!

  6. this is great! i just got back from a retreat where we learned about FMQ and i am so inspired to try new designs. if only i had the time to make a quilt right now....:)

  7. Well done you, some of yours are tiny....scarey lol

  8. I love the little dancing M&Ms! You did a great job!

  9. So cute!! Love it. Great job, Toni!

  10. Hehe, I love your dancing M&Ms! Your fmq looks great! :)

  11. This is fantastic! You did a great job and those M&Ms are hilarious!

  12. Oh my gosh, that is so cute and creative. Your stitching is really nice. M&M's...isn't it funny how the mind works?

  13. I WANT M&Ms RIGHT NOW! Your quilting is great and it's funny how you thought about connecting the right or wrong molecules with each other ;-) It's all about hydrogen bonds ;-)

  14. I think they look like little friendly aliens. But hat off to you girl, they look fantastic.

  15. M&Ms - nuff said!

    Great effort! Here's hoping you get some soon!
