
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

WIP Wednesday, vol. 11

Well, I started to say that there hasn't been a lot of sewing going on around here, but that wouldn't be entirely true. I was very productive on our trip to my parents and even got a bit done today. On with the show...


Well, I had to frog it three times, but I did finish that cowl I was so anxious about trying.
It really was such a simple pattern, but I started it last Wednesday after a very long day in the car and well, I really had no business attempting any kind of crafting that night. First I got about three rows in before coming to the conclusion  that I had twisted it when joining the ends, even though I had thought I was so careful! So I started again and got about 6 rows done before calling it a night. I got back at it in the morning and looked and somehow my beginning chain of 55 stitches had slowly dwindled to 29 by the 6th row. No idea. Ripped it again, but after that everything went very quickly. I ended up about 8 yards short because I used a different brand of yarn and didn't read the label closely enough, so imagine two more rows up top, ok? If I try to wear it as a hood like it should be, it doesn't cover the back of my neck, which I think would be annoying. But honestly, I don't see me ever trying to wear it like that anyway.
Just because I know you are dying to see me model it for you, here it is in all it's glory:

I also managed to make 3 pairs of pajama pants for the boys. Two of them were even lined! Crazy!
I almost forgot, but Halloween costumes are done, too. No pictures of those yet, but there will be no goldfish. Did you hear the giant sigh of relief over here? After I made Carson his handyman tool belt, Wyatt decided that he needed one, too, so he didn't want to be a fish anymore. I'm so glad. I had some fun ideas in my head for the goldfish, but I just can't seem to dredge up much excitement for costumes this year. We'll probably only go to about three houses anyway since we don't exactly live in a neighborhood. Getting three kids in costumes in and out of the car isn't the most fun so I try to plan their costumes accordingly.

Still in Progress:

I finished the top for my Christmas tree pants this afternoon. Now I just have to make the back, quilt it, slice it up and bind it. It has been a fun little project to work on when I have little bits of time.

 I got the fabrics for my Dead Simple quilt all cut and ready. I'm wanting to get the tree pants done before I start the piecing, though. Hopefully more on that soon!

Now I need to decide if I'm going to join in the 12 Days of Christmas QAL...I'm pretty sure I will, but that first block is a little intimidating. I'm definitely going to try it though. It looks fun if I can swing it! Who else is in?

I would also like to wish my sweet friend Amorette a very happy birthday today! She is getting settled into their new home in Portland so if you have a minute go say hi and tell her happy birthday, or give her any tips on Portland, OR if you have any!

As usual, linking up to the crazy-talented Lee of Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday. Let's see what everyone else has been up to...


  1. WOW! I'd say you're nice and productive this week. Love your star quilt, can't wait to see your colors for your dead simple quilt. I keep thinking I should make Halloween costumes for my grandkids, but it just never happens. Anyway, good job this week.

  2. The stars look wonderful! But I have to admit I was looking forward to that goldfish...

  3. Holy cow, you've been busy!! That cowl is lovely - I'm all thumbs when it comes to knitting, so I always love seeing other people knit things. I love all those stars, too, so pretty!

  4. I love the star quilt on the white background, so beautiful. The cowl is lovely, did you crochet that??

  5. That cowl is stunning!!! Just what's needed now the weather is getting so cold. I love the chunkiness :)
    I totally wimped out of making costumes and bought some half price at the supermarket - bad I know!! Maybe next year we could both attempt some goldfish??!

  6. What a great cowl! Just in time for fall :)

  7. Oh wow, your cowl turned out great! And I am really liking your Christmas Pants.

  8. Oh, all looking great! Love those stars!
    Are we talking fire truck? Yep, scary!

  9. Love the stars!!! I just experimented yesterday with stars for the first time and I will definitely do it again. Fun!

  10. Love the headless cowel shot - it looks lovely and snuggly! Love the stars!

  11. Your cowl looks great! I love your tree pants progress too. :)

  12. Love the star quilt, and the neck warmer! 3 boys huh?! Wow! My 2 boys keep me busy, and they're much older. I'm so impressed that you have time to sew all that you do!! Love, love, love Portland (we're about 3 hours East). Tell her to invest in some good rain gear, as true Portlanders don't use umbrellas LOL! Oh, and if she hasn't already, go see the Oregon Coast. It's a real treasure!

  13. I love your tree pants! I think I'm the only one who chose to be boring and just use red and white. >_<

    Your cowl drapes so nicely and looks really warm. I remember that I laughed when I first learned why it's called "frogging it." :D

  14. Wow, you've had a great week. All of that and a visit too!

    I like what you've done for the backing of your Christmas pants. Are they now reversible pants?

  15. I love the clever idea of Christmas tree pants (no curves!) and the stars are really wonderful! The white with a pop of color is so perfect.

    I'll stop by your friend's blog and give her a link to my last post with the Portland info in it too! It's a great town to find creative and crafty-minded people. :)

  16. Wow. I think you've gotten ALOT done! Love the Christmas tree pants you are creating. And the cowl looks great - good for you!!

  17. Your cowl came out great. Wish I could knit. My mom has tried to teach me several time with no luck. Love your tree pants, is that the Happy Zombie tute? Tree pants... makes me giggle every time I say it. :)

  18. You are way busier than me. I'm really digging the pants.

    I haven't even *seen* the Christmas QAL. I need to go look that up. (Or not since I'm already on project overload)

  19. Love how your christmas tree pants have turned out!

  20. Your Christmas Tree pants are looking fine. Can't wait to see the finished look.

  21. Can't believe you are going to cut into those stars! Gorgeous!
    My daughter has been really into making the scarf/cowls. I am now the proud owner of a purple one!

  22. That star quilt is fabulous...enjoyed my visit and I hopped over and wished your friend a Happy Birthday.

  23. i love your tree pants. :) it's perfectly lovely!!!

  24. you are so sweet toni! i have been so insane lately (and actually doing some fun projects!) that i have not blogged anything useful or been around reading, so it was a lovely surprise to find all these comments from strangers in my inbox. you are amazing.
