
Monday, October 24, 2011

We're Back!

We made it back from Iowa this evening and had a marvelous time! The boys were super troopers both coming and going, which made it much easier!

I hadn't intended to take a vacation from the internet, too, but the connection at my parents' house is pretty sketchy so I decided to not even waste my time trying to wait around for it to work and enjoy the time off instead.

I didn't even take any pictures while I was there, so I have nothing to show you! But if I had, you would be seeing lots of games of Chutes and Ladders, pumpkin whoopie pies, crocheting on the couch, red velvet cupcakes, dueling sewing machines with my mama, chocolate chess pie, and hot dogs roasted on a glorious fall evening in the Midwest. Perfection. Can you tell that I really like to eat??

We got home just as my husband was getting home from work, so we decided to pile into the Scout and take a drive around the neighborhood since it was such a pretty day. So here's the only picture you'll be seeing today...

Can't wait to see what everyone has been up to while I've been away! I've got loads of emails to respond to and I just checked Google Reader and I have 682 unread posts. Yikes!


  1. Love the Scout! My husband drives a 1983 CJ7. Nothing like a drive on a beautiful day!

  2. so great you could enjoy some days off together with your family! It's always good to load new energies for your daily live!

  3. Sounds like you had a great break!

  4. Welcome back. Sounds like you had fun!

  5. sounds like you had a lovely time, welcome back

  6. hmmm, none taken - my word verification for the above post was'pigie'!!

  7. Glad you had such a fab time. Only 682 posts to read? Nae bother... ;o)

  8. Welcome back - good luck with all that reading!!

  9. Mmmmm...your trip sounds so yummy! I think vacation is all about the food ;-) Welcome back!
