
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Technical Difficulties

Okay, I need some help, peeps.
I cannot upload more than one picture at a time to flickr and must use the basic uploader just to do that. I have downloaded the desktop unploader and tried that way, too. It acts like it wants to upload my pictures, but it just never gets it done. I'm sure there is some kind of simple fix for this, I just have no idea what it might be. Do I need to disable or remove something from my computer first? I'm using the latest version (7.0.1) of Firefox and running Windows 7. Any suggestions??

Also, is anyone else having issues with Google Reader? Some days it just eats all my unread posts. I use the nifty "Next" button up there on my bookmarks to jump from page to page. Do you use that? I madly love it. Except when it eats the fun stuff I want to be reading. Usually when this happens, I get the page that looks like this:

Then when I try to go to the next page, I get the one that says I've reached the end, even though I know there are many, many unread posts. Does this happen to anyone else? Am I going to have to give up and just scroll through in Reader like the old days?

I have tried to go back and scroll through Blogger finding posts I've missed when this happens, but haven't exactly had a lot of spare time to do that lately, so if I've neglected commenting on your blogs lately, I'm so sorry. It's not you... It's me. Really. Well, actually it's that damn next button.


  1. i have had the same issue with the flickr uploads... i tired it with firefox and explorer and had issues. then i had luck with safari for a while until that quit on me this week and now i'm using chrome. i hope they invent a new browser soon for when that stops working ;( anyway, maybe try a different browser? other than that, let me know if something else works!

  2. I usually use Google Chrome, and sometimes it gives me the basic uploader, sometimes the regular flickr upload page. Not sure why. And honestly, I've never seen that NEXT button in my reader! I don't have any of those toolbars chosen, I guess. So sorry you are having troubles!!

  3. I have the same problems with the next button every now and again - seems like it behaves and lulls me into a false sense of security and then has a idea how to fix that or Flickr, sorry!

  4. In Google Reader, I always use the "J" button for reading the next post, and the "K" button for going backward. I have never had an issue with losing stuff. If I have scrolled down far enough, it marks the next post as also having been read, but I just hit "K", and it takes me back to the post.

  5. I think flickr is what gets messed up. I use my phone most of the time and it's easier for me to just email them to my flickr.

    I have a love hate relationship with my google reader too.

  6. I use Google Chrome like Debbie and between flickr and it, they choose what I use to upload, but I have dialup so I thought it was that. As far as the next button, I thought that was just me! I have learned that usually if I get that error 500 message, that if I close that window and open a new one to press next on, it USUALLY works like it's supposed to (for a while anyway). I hate it, but glad to know I'm not alone!!

  7. Cripes I am a Mac-gal so no help whatsoever, sorry x

  8. I'm on Mac "upgraded" to lion and now have issues with Flickr uploads blogger uploads and google reader and now time machine doesn't support NAS drives! (Go on guess who I work for lol)
    I thought the Flickr issue was just me so no help here but thought I'd chime in with a whinge :)

  9. As frustrating as they are I'm not willing to abandon computers yet. I love that I get to meet peole and visit places all from my big squishy chair.

    Hang in there. It will get better.

  10. Lets see, I have IE and Chrome, and I get an uploader on Flickr that lets me do a number of photos at a time, I've never been limited, so I'm not sure what that is. I can tell you though, as a software tester, that we test in IE. We don't bother our backsides to test in anything else regardless of what's available (or rather, the company doesn't have the time or equipment to allow us to do that) and I suspect it's the same with most other companies (it's been the same for the last 5 I've worked for, many of them major financial institutions) so if it doesn't work, I suspect no-one has tested it on whatever set up you have - perhaps see if they have a help page?

    As for Google reader, i'm afraid I read everything through my dashboard, so no idea about the button, however the comment above stands for this too...

  11. I kept having the same issue with my googlereader too! What I *think* works is that when you get the error DO NOT click next again. Just calmly close out of the browser and then open a new one and start again. So far that's been working for me
