
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Across the Sea


I'm  not sure why I feel like this has taken forever to finish since I only started it a few weeks ago, but I'm so glad to be able to move it into the finished pile. I really do love this quilt, and have had fun sewing along with other talented quilters.

Here is my "cheater" backing:

It was such a pretty afternoon after several rainy days, so the kids and I went outside and got a little carried away taking pictures...

While I was trying to take these pictures,Wyatt was teaching Carson how to be silly...

Then I tried to get a real group shot and this was the best we could do:

Silly boys.

I'm so happy to be donating this quilt to the newly formed Terre Haute chapter of Project Linus. Hopefully someone else's silly baby can get some comfort through this quilt.

An enormous thank-you to Kate at Swim, Bike, Quilt for organizing such an amazing project. I can't even imagine the number of quilts that are being donated due to the 100 Quilts for Kids campaign, but I am completely amazed by the generosity of the quilters who have donated their time, talent, and supplies to this project.

A big thank-you to Megan at Canoe Ridge Creations for hosting {Sew} Modern Monday.

And yet another thank-you being sent to Jenna at Sew Happy Geek for hosting Manic Mondays.

One final thank-you to the girls at Quilt Story, Heather and Megan, for hosting Fabric Tuesday.

Please take some time to visit these awesome link-ups and see what other talented makers have been creating!


  1. Wow, this looks fantastic! I love the rainbow colors and the pieced border. :)

  2. Your quilt is great, Toni! I love your pics! ;-)

  3. It looks great. And sometimes it's fun to take lots of pictures because then you know you'll get at least a few fantastic shots. Great work on the quilt.

  4. Oh man, beautiful photos, gorgeous quilt. great job! my across the sea is still in pieces... haha! I'll get to it eventually :D

  5. Great photos of your beautiful quilt. And looked like the boys had fun too.

  6. Your boys are adorable! They look like they had lots of fun being silly :)
    I really like your choice of black and white for the binding, the quilt looks great!
    Lucy x

  7. Your quilt is so happy! It's awesome of you to donate such a pretty quilt to Project Linus. :)

  8. I love the thought of 'someone else's silly baby'!
    Great quilt 'tour of the farm', and cute boys xx

  9. Your quilt looks great and I love the backing! Cute kids!!

  10. this is so pretty. Just looked thru your 'finished quilts'. They are all so lovely. I like your color aesthetic.
    Your kids are cute, too

  11. What can I say? Just lovely!!!! For me it would be a keeper but it's awesome that you're goimg to donate it!!!!

  12. This is lovely - I'm sorry I didn't join now I can see how beautiful they turn out.

  13. You won! Munki munki pjs and a copy of Weekend Sewing by Heather Ross. Send me an email with your info when you get a chance. The quilt is beautiful, I'm sure the child who receives it will love it! I so need to make one :)

  14. Great quilt and I'm glad to see it going to project linus!

    (saw you at sew modern monday)

  15. So bright and happy. I am not surprised you got carried away taking pictures. :)

  16. Love the binding, Toni, what a great finish!! You definitely picked a great charity, Project Linus is wonderful. And your boys are adorable, too!

  17. Congratulations on getting it done. I'm sure the recipient will appreciate its warmth if not its actual design. Your boys are very cute!
