
Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Couple Things...

I saw a couple interesting things today in my readings that I thought I'd share. 

First up...We all know how much I like Pinterest so it should come as no surprise that I'll be joining Amanda from the Modern Marigold in her upcoming Pinterest Challenge. 

Basically she is trying to motivate people to actually do the things they are pinning. Crafts, quilts, recipes...whatever you are pinning to your little inspiration boards, just DO it and link up to her blog on Tuesday.  Sounds easy, no?

The other thing I will hopefully be joining is a Christmas Sew-Along at Sew, Mama, Sew.

The really cool thing about this sew-along is that there are three choices of items to sew...placemats, an Advent calendar, or a Christmas tree skirt, or get crazy and sew them all! I'll be doing the tree skirt. We don't have one and the past few years I've just thrown some random fabric around the bottom and it ends up looking a little pathetic. 

Each of the featured projects are being taught by a super-talented blogger. Placemats by Elizabeth at Oh, Fransson...Advent calendar by Linda of Craft Apple, and tree skirt (or pants as they are calling it) by Monica of Happy Zombie. Fabulous prizes are involved as well, so who's in?

Linking up with the lovely Rebecca Lynne for Think Tank Thursday.


  1. Whoa there... I have got to go check this Pinterest thingy out. First of all, I am really serious about finishing what I pin. Secondly, I am Captain of the Etsians Who Pinterest Team on Etsy and we need to get in on this!!! Thanks for sharing Toni! And wait, I subscribe to Sew Mama Sew how in the H did I miss this whole thing about the Holiday Sew Along? I need a tree skirt like none other. Thank goodness you do TTT otherwise I'd be LOST!

  2. Thanks for all this, Toni.....I'll go check it out further!

  3. Thanks for the links, I've just started pinning a couple of days ago. I'm off to check your pins.

  4. My poor Christmas trees have always had the lamest tree skirts - this year my tree will have "tree pants"! I'm in. This is a perfect chance for me to cut into the Happy Zombie Holiday Happy fabric I have. I missed this one too - thank you for the post. :)

  5. Oooo all of this sounds so interesting! Now I'm off to check everything out and add more to my to do list. ;-)

  6. I don't pin anything, just save links or print off ideas. I do love the idea behind that challenge and have been making myself actually do the things I am bookmarking. Good luck!

  7. DO the things I'm pinning?! What a shocking idea... ;o)

  8. The placemats sound like a great idea - I need to make something for a craft stall!
