
Thursday, August 25, 2011


I made a trip to my LQS today. It's actually about 65 miles away, so I suppose it's not that local, but it's the closest one around. How close is your "local" quilt shop? I went there in hopes of finding some Christmas fabrics for my Across the Sea quilt, and maybe some other fun fabrics. They don't really have too much modern fabric, but it's still fun to look.

I was very excited to see that they had gotten in some of Sweetwater's "Hometown" line. Unfortunately, not the ones I'm drawn to the most. I really like their designs and this line has colors in it that actually kind of go with the decor in our house. I'm always drawn to brighter, richer colors for my quilts, but my decorating tends to stay pretty neutral. Pretty brown actually. I really need to liven this place up. I was thinking about making a few pillows or a wall hanging. We've lived in this house for a year and a half, but our walls are still pretty bare.

Anyway, I went there for Christmas fabric but couldn't find much I wanted. So I think I may just change the plan for that quilt. I bought a layer cake of Hometown, so I'll probably use that instead. I generally don't buy precuts, but it will be convenient for this quilt.

I bought these fabrics to make a table runner. I'm not sure what else I'll add in there, but I saw some cute Halloween fabrics at Fabricworm.

It was nice outside when we got home, so I took Max for a little stroll around the yard looking for fun places to take quilt pictures. Sadly, I didn't come up with much. At least for large quilts. I've been wanting to get some better pictures of Roger's quilt, but everywhere I find to hang it is too short to really show the whole thing. I need to get Rog to rig up something in all his spare time. I really thought that with all our buildings around here I would find someplace cool. Not yet. I almost climbed into the hayloft to hang it out there, but that part of the barn has tin on it instead of wood and just isn't as scenic. Plus, I'm sure there is probably a raccoon family living up there, and who wants to mess with that? I did throw it over the door of the chicken house:
Not bad, but I'm still on the lookout. Maybe I'll take it on vacation with me and scout for scenic locales. Would that be odd?


  1. I have LQS about twenty ,inutes in every direction. I'm super spoiled.

    Have you tried taking a photo with the quilt on the grass, under a big tree, like for a picnic?

  2. No, that wouldn't be odd!
    Too bad you didn't find the Christmas fabrics you were hoping for.
    Don't want to depress you, but I have a Pacific Fabrics (chain store that does sell some quilting fabric) 7 miles away; a real live quilt store just over 8 miles away. Pretty lucky. Tho I do like to shop from the comfort of my own home!

  3. I pass by my LQS on the way to work. It's soooo hard not to stop every single day.

    Still love that quilt!
    And yay for Halloween fabrics!

  4. I live in a local government area of about 180,000 people located on the fringe of a large (for Australia) city with a population of about 4.5 million.

    We have two Big Box (craft) chain stores and at least four independent quilt stores. So I'm fairly blessed!

  5. So funny--I'm the same way. I'm drawn to really bright colors, but I decorate with a much more subdued palette. Why is that??

    And, yes, quilt photography field trips are perfectly normal! People might give you funny looks, but no biggie!

  6. Not what I'd call a LQS-es but they do have a reasonable selection of fabrics and notions for quilting are both about a 45 minute drive away. I also buy online and, I have to say, haven't been disappointed yet. Mind you, I've never seen here in UK, the huge and varied selection of fabrics available in US.

  7. I'm pretty spoiled for LQSs. Even with losing one last month, I still have 4 in town. Then within an hour of town there are 5 more!

    I like the idea of taking your quilt along with you and scouting out photo shoot locations. It could be just like when people take pictures of stuffed animals at various locals.
