
Friday, August 26, 2011

I Could Get Used to This...

I started and finished 3 sewing projects today!

I have been wanting to make some random little things before we leave on our trip. Just little stuff, camera case, phone case, little pouches...Well Roger was off work today so he had the older boys with him most of the morning doing Big Man Backhoe Work so other than doing laundry, all I did was sew. My main project of the day ended up not even being on my list of to-dos, but I made a new tote bag. I don't really think I can have too many of those. They always get filled up with something, so why not? I didn't get any pictures of it yet, so here are my two smaller projects:

Up first is a tiny step towards keeping my Suburban clean. I was looking for a certain tote tutorial at Make It and Love It and happened upon a tutorial for a little Car Trash Bag. I definitely need eight one, and I had everything I needed, so I whipped it out in no time. Seriously easy project. 

Roger was changing my brakes when I went to take pictures, so I just hung it up in the laundry room instead.  Just imagine those straps going around the headrest and that bag laying against the back of the passenger seat. The tutorial calls for ribbon to be used as the straps, but I just made them out of fabric instead. They attach to each other with velcro, and there is boning in the front to make it stay open.

Up next we have my camera case. I totally made this one up as I went, so it's a little, um, rustic.

I forgot to sew on the velcro before I made it into the pouch shape, so it took a little wrangling to get the bottom part under the needle. After doing this I found a tutorial where they put a buttonhole in the pouch for your camera strap to go through. If I get ambitious I may try that and practice my button hole skills on my machine.
If I do this again, I will make the pouch flap shaped differently so it is more of a trapezoid shape and doesn't stick out from the sides so much. It looks better when my camera is in it. A little.

Maybe tomorrow I'll get to work on those pouches...


  1. Very satisfying! I'm wrangling flannel into baby blankets!

  2. It's always fun to make functional little projects! Great job!

  3. Thank you for checking out my blog and for following me! Your blog is great! I'm glad this swap was organized so I can expand and meet new people!
