
Friday, July 22, 2011


It is amazing how excited my kids get about popsicles. I could put water in a popsicle mold and they would still think it was great. Seriously, I've done it. Yesterday I was a little more creative. Well, creative enough to search the internet for ways to use up some limes and a small portion of the 40+ pounds of cherries I got last week. Thus, cherry-limeade popsicles were made!

Don't you love these molds?

The recipe I used for the pops is from Simple Bites, and I loved it! Carson thought it was a little sour when I gave him some of it to try before pouring it into the molds, but once it was frozen he didn't mind at all. It looks like they are having a popsicle-eating competition here! Mud boots optional.

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