
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Ansley's Swell

So, a few months back I was feeling very meh about all of my projects and honestly, a little bogged down by sewing in general. Just totally uninspired. For days. I was getting a bit sick of it so I decided to start a baby quilt. I pulled a stack together and waited. Then, one of my closest friends growing up had a baby. Her third, and this time a sweet little girl named Ansley.

I decided that I really needed to get my act together so I fell back on a pattern I've made before, Swell by Camille Roskelley. I enlarged the pattern a bit so that the blocks ended up at 15" instead of 12". Nine blocks later I had a quilt top. Super easy!

We were headed to visit my parents the next week so I just decided to wait and quilt it at my mom's. I think I took three quilts but this is the only one I ended up getting quilted. I used this flowery swirl that is pretty fun to do. I finally got it mailed this week, only two months after the baby was born. That's not too bad, right?