
Monday, December 16, 2013

Pineapple Blossom

Pineapple Blossom, front

October was my month again as quilter for the Imagine Circle of do.Good Stitches. I was inspired to choose the Pineapple Blossom block after seeing my friend Catherine's beautiful quilt that she made with the help of her Brit Bee ladies.

We used this tutorial from Quiltville to make the blocks, using the requirements for a 12" block and colors in a range of pinks, corals, salmon, golds, and apricots along with some low-volume prints. I have to say that I really love how this quilt turned out!

Sorry for the bad picture of the backing, but Rog and I ran outside really quickly yesterday when we got home from church to snap a couple pics. The wind was blowing and I was too cold to worry about waiting for the perfect shot!  The blocks we used yielded a few scrap HSTs so some of the ladies sent them along with their blocks. I had just enough to make this strip down the back, which in turn was just wide enough to allow me to not have to piece any more of the backing. Serendipity.


I took this with me to Iowa over Thanksgiving break so I could quilt it on my mom's long arm. So much quicker than trying to do it on my machine. I'm still not that great at it, but these loopy swirls are pretty easy and generally look good even when they're a little sloppy! I was also really glad to finally use that Meadowsweet print for something. I've had it forever but just never seem to find the right project for it, until I used it for the binding. And look, someone even used it in their block, too. I hadn't noticed that until I saw this picture.

Now I just need to sit down and stitch our label on, then send this beauty off to Threading Hope, the charity of choice for our circle.


  1. Beautiful quilt! I love your choice of colors and fabrics. I made a small version of this in Kaffee fabrics and seeing yours makes me want to do another .... thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Gorgeous, Toni! I love the color palette you chose. And bonus points to Rog for braving the weather for your photo shoot! :)

  3. So pretty! How many different circles are you in?

  4. Aw, thanks :-) This one is gorgeous, I love the colours: makes me want to make another one!

  5. This is so beautiful Toni-I love the block and the color choices are fantastic. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

  6. This looks great in the colour palette you've used. I would have passed right over that pattern, I think, seeing it only the very scrappy version.

  7. This looks great and I love it against the snowy background!

  8. It's fantastic Toni, and all of the blocks your bee mates made work so nicely together!

  9. I love this. You know I was not in love with this block, but seeing it in your fabric choices, colors, make me fall for it completely. Must add to "To Do" List

  10. Just gorgeous Toni. You have amazing vision. Perfect.

  11. The quilt is beautiful! I'm going to have to look up that block tutorial. I love the secondary pattern it creates. Hope you're keeping warm over there!

  12. Beautiful! I love the pattern and the warm tropical colors practically melt some of that Indiana snow :D

  13. This is stunning! Great choice of fabrics and colors, the pattern really shows up.

  14. how did i miss this? really gorgeous color choice. amazing as usual!

  15. Love this so much! And I love the back too. It'd be a cool quilt all on it's own. Yay for another cool finish.
