
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

WIP Wednesday

I feel like my WIPs are taking over the place, so that must mean it's time for a list, right? Every time that I do this it turns out that I don't really have as much going as it seems and I calm down a little. I guess that's a good thing! Or else I just have a bad memory!

Chicopee Cross on wall 

I started this quilt a couple of weeks ago and finished the top on Monday. I'm using the rest of my Chicopee left from this quilt, plus Essex Linen in Natural. I love it, but I'm having a hard time deciding what to do for the back. For now, it's been folded up and put back in a WIP bin. 


This is another quilt that I started a few weeks ago to use up some odd triangle scraps that have been hanging around for too long. This is one of those that I really liked at first, then hated for a few days. But after having it stuck on my design wall in the dining room for about a week, I decided that I do like it and may even hang it somewhere once it's done. It has been basted and is just waiting for me to quilt it. And speaking of design walls...can you see where a certain little mouse named Jill keeps tearing little bits off of mine? It's a good thing she's cute.

Have you ever had one of those projects that you were so excited about and knew it was going to be so incredibly cool once you finished it, only to absolutely hate it? Yep, that's how I feel about this one. 
I have had the Geese in the Forest pattern sitting around for quite a while now and keep changing my mind about how to use it. I also had a bag full of scraps from my Modern Maples quilt so I decided to combine the two, fully expecting some scrappy Autumn masterpiece to emerge. Sadly, it just didn't happen. I was looking forward to hanging this baby by my desk, but now it's in a drawer somewhere. I think that if I had just switched the pieces and kept the background white with scrappy  "trees" it would have been much cooler. 

I also need to finish this guy. I just need to choose the background color and get to it. If I can get it done in time, this one will be my contribution for 100 Quilts for Kids.

I bought a fat-eighth bundle of Briar Rose and coordinating solids from Westwood Acres a few weeks ago and have been patiently waiting for the right quilt to come to mind. I had fun making some Lemon Squares blocks for a bee mate last week, so I decided to make a few more out of that lovely bundle. And the bonus? I should have enough Briar Rose left to make another baby quilt so I can play around with them again!

Churn Dashes!!

Churn Dash blocks from my Bee{Purposeful} ladies are slowly coming in, so hopefully I'll be able to work on this quilt in a week or two. Should be a fun one!

I also have two more finished baby quilts that I just need to take pictures of and I still have quite a few things on my FAL list that aren't finished either! Looks like my list wasn't as short as I was hoping...


  1. I seriously love each of your wips! But yes I understand that feeling about "it's gonna be great if only I can survive it!" Hang in there - you're going amazing places!

  2. I'm loving the triangle quilt with the blue background and also the solid star. Well, they are all beautiful but those two stood out to me. May e Jill wants to be a quilter too? Right now, my girls are either my fans or critics, depends on what I've made!

  3. Really cool stuff, toni! Maybe your Geese in the Forest top just needs to spend some time in the drawer before you revisit it. I think I'm going to do churn dashes for our stash bee next month...hope you're not too tired of them!

  4. Extremely busy there! Bummer on your geese not pleasing you though, maybe they'll redeem themselves eventually...

  5. I bet if you play with those goosey trees again they will come good - I'd turn it upside down and add some off-centre wide white sashing, but what do I know!!!

  6. I LOVE the chicopee cross quilt Toni. Also I was thinking the same thing as Flying Blind...flip that goose block upside down maybe? I think it still has potential as a cute mini quilt.

  7. hahaha I felt totally the same way this week and glad I did my list too!
    All your projects looks gorgeous to me! The chicopee is really beautiful and the scrappy triangle one is so pretty, some of my favourite fabrics in there.

  8. So many WIP's and they are all so lovely!

  9. You've got so much coolness to work on. Loving your blue star quilt ... and Briar Rose too of course (such a gorgeous range of fabric). Happy stitching x

  10. I just had that same experience with a quilt I was making - I called it "quilt rage" because I expected to love it SO so much and then couldn't believe how much I was hating it. I can see what you mean about the AUtumn mini's and the trees/backgrounds being switched but it's pretty great to me anyway :-)

  11. Hi Toni! I am really loving the Greek Cross quilt. My blocks will be mailed a.s.a.p.

  12. All your WiPs are wonderlicious..I'm sure if you baste and quilt your geese you will love it. Get it out and keep going! :-D

  13. Well, it seems we are always wanting to steal each other's quilts these days...maybe we should just make a list for one another of all the things we are going to make so the other can make it instead?!!? ha ha! Seriously, loving the Chicopee quilt...I have been trying to decide what to do with my FQ bundle and have settled on a feather quilt like I did for our circle because I loved it so much!!! This inspires me to get on it soon!

    And don't get me started on that churn dash!!! what the?!? Did you plan the different sizes and multiple dashes inside or is that up the members of the bee? I am in the middle of a churn dash now and don't know if I should add some in like this or not...might spice it up a bit...and I like that!

  14. Wow, so many beautiful quilts! Your list isn't really that long, you should see mine, I don't even keep track anymore! LOL

  15. I think all your wips are beautiful, including the ones you don't like! :)

  16. Toni, I turned my iPad upside down and I really like your geese in the forest quilt that way! Have you tried it. The white bits look like snow covered pines and the autumnal colour like the background.

  17. And I am just trying to find my way to my sewing machine. I am very jealous of all of your beautiful WIPs.
