
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Random Thursday

Very, very random.

Lemon Squares blocks for @renorx. Pattern by @freshlemonsquilts #thatstashbee
Lemon Squares blocks for Michonne
I just finished most of my bee blocks for September. I haven't gotten much sewing time this week, but what I've squeezed in has just involved basting a couple of quilts. I was itching to actually do some fun sewing!

And two Little Boy's Nonsense blocks for @mysewcialhour. Tutorial on her blog. #dogoodstitches
Little Boy's Nonsense blocks for Amanda
Rog and I are going on a date tonight. According to my calculations, it has been about a year and a half since our last date night, which also included the ultrasound where we found out I was having a girl. I'd say we're due for another one. Date that is... not baby.  
    8 years= 4 kids, 6 houses, 9 job changes, and a whole lotta fun.
We also celebrated our 8th anniversary a few days ago, so you get this lovely picture-of-a-picture.

I went to my first PTO meeting yesterday. I guess that means I'm all grown up now.
I'm working on a tutorial for my Star Flare quilt if anyone's interested. Hopefully I'll have time to finish it in the next day or two. I had a bad cold while I started writing it, so I've definitely had to re-check a few things!
    Look @gingersnapsquilts Menus are planned. Shazam.
I made this soup the other day with peppers from our garden. It tasted really good, but was too spicy for anyone but Roger to eat. We had a delicious soup when we were in Mexico for my brother's wedding and I was hoping this would be similar. It was, but needs some adjusting. And look, our whole month of meals is planned already! I always mean to do this, but never do. It was one of my New School Year resolutions. Hopefully I'll stick with it!

So what randomness has been going on in your life lately? Linking up with Cindy and the other random ladies.


  1. Oh I do hope your date night goes beautifully! I know EXACTLY how it feels to go so long without having one! I love doing the monthly meal calender, I found it helped so much, even if I didn't cook what I wrote down, at least I had ideas for later!

  2. I'm so glad to see your blocks for Michonne! I wasn't sure what to do, but yours look great and gave me some ideas. :)

    Your meal plan is impressive. I'm the worst at that. But I love that yours is reasonable--food that my kid would eat (for the most part anyway)! And every month should include a pancake night.

    Enjoy your (non-ultrasound) date night!

  3. Happy anniversary! Ooh, that reminds me, need to plan my monthly menu before I go shopping tomorrow...

  4. Wow to the meal planner - and cute wedding picture xxx

  5. Happy anniversary! Have a great date night. And pumpkin black bean soup looks interesting! I'll have to find a recipe. :)

  6. Have a fun date! My kids are much older than yours and even with older kids, we don't get out on dates nearly enough.

  7. Hope your date was great. Cute wedding photo! Yeah, I keep meaning to do the menu planning thing too. Has never happened yet...

  8. Love the bee blocks! I will do mine this weekend. Happy anniversary!

  9. You TOTALLY deserve a date night! Hope it was relaxing and fun!

  10. Happy anniversary. I hope the date night was wonderful.

  11. Whoah, good job planning your meals for the month! I consider it a triumph if I've got the week's meals planned... :D

    Happy anniversary!

  12. Hey Toni, so nice to finally see a picture of you! Now I can put a face to your writing. I've never done a meal plan before. I think it would be great for organisation but I'm just SLACK! Hope you had fun on date night. Haven't had one since May here. When does Rog start reaping?
