
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June Blocks

Hi guys!

All of the ladies who were queens in my bees for June posted their blocks early, so I was actually finished with this month's blocks at the end of May. And since I have a few house-related projects to tackle, I took my sewing machine in for maintenance. It really is amazing how much more I can get done around here when I know I can't sew! 

Modern Maples for @aquilterstable #thatstashbee 

Debbie asked us to make these Modern Maple blocks in That Stash Bee. She asked for "leaf colors" on light solid or low-volume backgrounds. I had fun choosing fabrics for these blocks, and opted for two colors that I rarely seem to use. Since autumn is my absolute favorite time of the year, I have a feeling I will be making a quilt of my own with these blocks. 

Fractured Star for Rachel 

Rachel was the quilter this month for the Imagine Circle of dGS. She asked us to make these Fractured Star blocks using black/white, cream, text, and teal. The tutorial for the star is a little more confusing than it needs to be, but in the end you get a pretty cool block. I'm excited to see this quilt come together! 

Strip-pieced hexagons for @quilting_grammy #alwaysbeelearning 

Celeste asked us to make these strip-pieced hexagons for June in Always Bee Learning. I was a little worried at first, but they turned out quite easy and quick to piece together! 


  1. great blocks! I've noticed my house is cleaner when I don't touch my sewing machine, but my sanity starts slipping so I'm not sure it is worth it :)

  2. Love your blocks.

    Clean houses are totally over rated.

  3. That fractured star block is totally cool! It makes me want to buy more text fabric, even though I never know what to do with them. :D

    I hope your sewing machine comes back quickly!

  4. Great blocks, all around. The red fabric you used for the maple leaf block - i really like it!

  5. These are all so pretty! And it is so true about getting more done when you don't sew-I had to MAKE myself stay away from my machine for 48 hours and it was still hard.

  6. Beautiful blocks Toni - really love the Fractured Star! And you have reminded me that I need to get in and start my blocks for the June bees!

  7. Great selection there :o) I'm so scared to put my machine in for a service, all that time without it...
