
Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Sweet Pinafore

In the last few weeks, I have become slightly obsessed with something.  Thankfully, that obsession centers around making clothes for my sweet girl. Since before Jill was born, I have been on the lookout for cute, easy patterns that I could make for her. But it has always been sort of a low-key affair, just pinning them when I found one and randomly buying fabrics to stash away for the day I actually made her something.
Roly Poly Pinafore, side 1
I love that little pleat.
 I did make her some cute dresses and pants before she was born, but since then I haven't even made her a bib. That is, until the day my friend Rachael sent out an email asking for pattern testers for a pinafore she was working on. I knew pinafores were cute and looked easy to make but I really didn't realize how cute and easy until Rachael sent me the pattern.

Reversible! For when she's feeling funky.
 I'm pretty sure I sewed it up one evening while I was making supper (I am a bit of a multi-tasker.) Then I pinned it to my design wall and stared at it for a few weeks before I finally gave in and sewed on the buttons. I have been trying to get some fun pictures of Jill wearing it, but that is a little hard with a baby, so not too many action shots.

I realize the pants don't match, but how cute is the back of the pinafore?
  If you are looking for a super-easy, super-cute outfit for a girl in your life, I can highly recommend Rachael's Roly Poly Pinafore. The pattern is still in development, but be on the lookout for it's realease! Also, since Rachael is pretty much constantly churning out awesome projects she could use some feedback from time to time. If you have any interest in becoming a pattern tester for her, check out this page.

And another one because she's so cute:


  1. How cute is your little girl?? She's adorable and looks very happy in her funky pinafore. It looks a great pattern Toni and I too love that pleat - it's all in the detail :)

  2. oh how sweet indeed! Good for you!

  3. She is SO cute! I love these pinafores, great job! :)

  4. Beautiful pinafore and baby! I have really become obsessed with sewing clothes for my kids recently and actually feel lately like all the crafts I do are competing with each other. But it is a fun competition.

  5. Such a cute pinafore - perfect for your sweet girl!

  6. super cute. I had a similar pattern when my daughter was small (25 years ago!)

  7. It's so adorable! I've sewn something similar twice. Such a fast fun pattern

  8. So cute! You have an adorable model.

  9. She's gorgeous Toni! Such a cutie pie. That's for sharing the pictures of Jill. How old is she now? I thought about 5 months, but obviously not if she's pulling up on furniture!

  10. Cute pinafore! What a cheeky face! ;-)

  11. I love the fabric combo you used and clothing models really don't get much cuter. :) Jill has the most expressive eyes too. She's really growing up!

  12. Your pinafore is almost as cute as your daughter! So adorable! Gah!
