
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Gathered Geese

Gathered Geese
Here she is, the Imagine Circle's October 2012 quilt...Gathered Geese. I really hate naming quilts, simply because I'm lame and use obvious names like, "That Green Quilt" or "The Flying Geese One". But I think it is time to put a bit more effort into it, at least when other people are involved. 

Inspired by this quilt  by Ashley at Film in the Fridge, I asked the ladies of our circle to send me flying geese blocks inspired by the colors of Autumn. We used this excellent tutorial from Anina at Twiddletails to make four flying geese at a time, with basically no waste. I love making flying geese this way and seem to have much more consistent blocks than when I use the other method. 

Gathered Geese, detail
I had such a hard time deciding how to quilt this, but eventually decided on simple wavy lines going horizontally across the quilt. I think it would have been neat to choose a few "geese" and echo quilt around them until your lines ran into each other. Make sense? But honestly, that was a bit more effort than I had time for with this baby, and I like thinking of the wavy quilting lines as the wind flying against the geese. So organic.

Gathered Geese, back

The quilt finished at about 56"x72" and is bound with Kona Berry. For the back I used this print from Greenfield Hill that I got from the sale section of Fresh Squeezed Fabrics back when Randi was having a crazy-good clearance sale. Rog is actually holding it upside down here, but I'm not going to be picky about that. 

Gathered Geese, in the wild

I can't get too picky because he is such a good sport about helping take pictures when he has time. We live fairly close to some state wildlife areas that always seem to have a lot of waterfowl this time of year, so I thought it would be neat to go take some pictures out there. Except the only day we could turned out to be 32 degrees and a bit windy, so not the best for pictures. And, as soon as we got out with the quilt, all the ducks that were on the pond flew away. Typical. 

The Imagine Circle sends our quilts to an organization called Threading Hope, who distributes them to underprivileged children and families around the world. Recently, the people at Threading Hope shared a link with us with some pictures of the people in Columbia to whom our quilts were given last year. 
So many times when you donate to charity, you never get to see the people who benefit from it, so how cool is it to see these smiling faces holding up a quilt we made?

***I'm linking up with Amanda Jean for Finish It Friday. Did you see her finished quilt today? Great colors, and rhubarb is one of my favorite words. Fun!***


  1. I love the new quilt! And the picture of your other quilt being enjoyed. It is very inspiring.

  2. It's a wonderful quilt, no matter what you call it.

  3. What a thrill to get that last picture - how wonderful! I never have any idea where my donated handmade goods have gone!

    I love your Gathered Geese quilt - it's absolutely gorgeous! Like you, I have trouble naming my quilts. Sometimes a name just comes, sometimes it's very obscure to everyone but me (like my current WIP which has two tiny squares in one fabric that I've used to name the quilt!) but most of the time I just call my quilts things like "Scrappy Strings", "Scrappy Log Cabin", "Scrappy Hearts"...

  4. Wow what a pretty quilt! I love the fall-ish colors!

  5. It's wonderful Toni! And how awesome is that, to have a photo of the family in Columbia!

  6. This is so rich and beautiful Toni! The colors are stunning and I love how the simple flying geese blocks came together. The wavy quilting reminds me of air currents. :)

  7. Fabulous quilt Toni! Admhow wonderful to see a glimpse of where the quilts live or might live!

  8. Another great donation, and how lovely to see where one has gone before

  9. Love the colours in your Geese quilt - and so lovely to see the photo of the other quilt in its new home too.

  10. I really love this one Toni!! Great colors.

  11. Love Gathered Geese! And I really like the quilting you chose. Very nice!

  12. It's a gorgeous quil Toni - the colours and design are perfect!

  13. Love them both, but especially the one in Colombia. So thoughtful that someone shared the photo with you.

  14. Yes-what a treat to see who will enjoy those bright happy colors! Love the Geese quilt-and yay for all the hubbys out there who hold up quilts in the name of supporting their wife:)

  15. Ooooh I so love your flying geese quilt---so love the colors that you chose!! I want one JUST LIKE IT :D

  16. Awesome!

    I recently got a note from a recipient of a "charity quilt" I sent to Phonix Quilts. It was thrilling to here about how my small effort effected their lives in a big way.

  17. Hee... "so organic!"

    It's a wonderful quilt for your group's charity! Great job! :)

  18. Very pretty color palette! I might have to try one of these :)

  19. LOVE LOVE LOVE this one! The colors are great and I love your organic quilting. ;) Great job friend.

  20. The geese are sooooo beautiful
