
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Random Thursday

You guys really surprised me in the comments on that last post about bees. I thought I was probably weird for wanting to use my own fabrics in bee blocks, but many of you agreed! Sounds like we may need to start planning a stash bee! Who's in?

On to the random...

I started sewing Halloween costumes this week. This is part of Carson's. He decided on an orange caterpillar after changing his mind from a butterfly, worm, superman, and a Suburban. Wyatt has settled on being a scary tree and requested that Jill be a Black Swallowtail butterfly. I'm hoping Max will wear Carson's chicken costume from a few years ago.

Remember how I said we were going to the zoo this weekend? Well, that didn't happen. This did:

Roger determined that we had a water leak so he spent Sunday afternoon on the backhoe digging trenches between the house and his shop trying to find it. He eventually found it and capped it off, believing it would hold until he could go to the hardware store after work on Monday. Spoiler alert: It didn't.
Around 9 Monday morning I noticed that we no longer had any water at the house, so I went outside and saw this trench filling with the water that should have been flowing to my house. I got the main water line turned off and then spent the rest of the day at home with no water and 3 kids that couldn't go outside to play because of the massive holes in the yard. Fun times.

Do you read How About Orange, the blog of designer Jessica Jones? She always has the most fun links to share. This week she had a link to download a free font that looks like cross-stitching, and another that links to a custom box template generator. Make your own little gift boxes, so fun!

We are closing on our new house next week, so I decided it was about time to start packing. 
It was a little sad packing up my stash cabinet, but it was fun looking at all the prints and getting a few ideas. Of course now that it is packed away all I really want to do is sew! I've already filled up all the boxes I've been able to get and all I've packed are my cookbooks, other books, and a small portion of my fabric. This is going to take a while!

And here is the latest installment of Jill sitting in a chair screaming...
2 months!
I promise she doesn't cry all the time. Just most of it.


  1. I'm In for a stash bee! Love the pics of Jill-she'll think it's funny too one day! Sorry about the water-what a drag! Kids and no water don't mix we'll for very long:)!

  2. Are you moving far? Staying on a farm or in the suburbs? I must have missed that post somehow. Good luck with the packing!

  3. I would love to join a stash bee, please include me if you start one. Those costumes are so fun! Jil is a doll!

  4. Love the costumes and hope taht large hole in the garden is sorted now !

  5. Ahhh Jill. :) And your other two are adorable, though I have to say they don't look to pleased!

  6. I have to say that your baby cries adorably ;-)! I miss the days of doing Halloween costumes... enjoy!

  7. I'm excited about these Halloween costumes. :) They sound like pretty fun projects to make with some imaginative construction thrown in. I'll be curious to see how you tackle it. No fun with the water leaking. When we lived in Boston, at one point there was some construction work going on in the street. They managed to block up the water line and cause (somehow) all of the drains and toilets in my building to overflow. That was a fun mess to come home to!

  8. That is one heck of a huge scary doll, I'd be screaming too!

  9. I haven't visited in awhile! A screamer...ah well...she has older brothers right so she'll need her voice! I had a huge raggedy ann doll and I loved her. We are closing on a new house too, sick juggling the kids, work, sewing and a new house. How do we manage?? ;) Crap halloween costumes? I should get on that.

  10. Thanks for linking to opening bees! I just finished some 3x6's and I too want to do a stash bee now.

  11. Thanks for linking to opening bees! I just finished some 3x6's and I too want to do a stash bee now.

  12. How can she possibly be screaming when sitting in a chair covered with all that orangey goodness? I will have a little talk with her...

    I was just part of the Stash Trad bee on Flickr where the idea is to choose a traditional block and everyone uses fabric from their own stash. It has been my favorite bee so far. It is coming to an end but I would love to find another group that basically follows those guidelines. Should we start one?

  13. Aw, Jill! Good luck with the move! And everything else you have going on!
    I'd be in for a stash bee too!

  14. I would totally be interested in a stash bee!

  15. Jill is gorgeous, even crying. And I love all the fabrics in her quilt! A stash bee sounds like fun!

  16. I am behind, but I am totally in for a stash bee! I actually agree that while I love choosing the block people will make for me, I HATE cutting out all of the fabric and sending it off, and when other people send me fabric I worry over messing it up too! 'Cause you know, we're twins!
