
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Random Thursday

I have absolutely no short-term memory right now!
 I think the sleep deprivation is getting to me. So many times I have been in the middle of a conversation with Roger or a friend and realize that I have no idea what I am talking about or what the point was of me starting my story. Anyone else ever get like this?

Anyway, in order to refresh my memory on what has been going on in our lives lately I scroll through the pictures on my phone, so that is basically what you are getting today. Those few of you who follow me on Instagram have already seen most of these...

I love this girl. Those cheeks and double chin get me every time. It cracks me up to have to pick up her chins to wash her neck at bath time.

Carson and I sorted my scraps the other day just for fun. I saw a tutorial on The Girl Who Quilts for scrappy foundation-pieced blocks that made me want to sort mine. As you can see, I really don't have many "scraps", or at least what I consider to be scraps. If I can fold it up into a neat square/rectangle to fit in my drawer, it isn't a scrap. We did this on Sunday and the next day I read about Jennifer's Scrappy Stash QAL. It sounds fun and I would love to play along, but I know I don't have time to keep up. And by the looks of it, if I kept it to only scraps I might be able to make a doll quilt. So maybe I could do it...

Max is still completely obsessed with farming, as indicated by the Kix in his combine I found the other day. Luckily for him, Roger was shelling corn right behind our house this morning so he got to go for a quick ride in the real combine. 

 Have you seen those pins on Pinterest for the recipe for an "instant" mug of mac and cheese? We don't buy the boxed macaroni and cheese and especially not "Easy Mac" but I kept seeing those pins popping up and thought I'd try it. This is one recipe I can say that I don't recommend. It wasn't pleasant.  

Every day for the past month or so I have been asking the kids what they want to be for Halloween, and every day Wyatt has said that he wants to be a tree. Really? I was surprised, but it didn't seem too hard so the other day I bought a bunch of brown felt and some leaves. Yesterday as we were walking home from the bus stop, I asked again what he wanted to be. His answer? A monster. 


  1. Oh, I worry about going too early with the Halloween costumes too! I think I have Luke's pinned down, but I'm afraid he's going to change his mind!

    My scraps are seriously out of control. I need start figuring them out big time!

  2. What's your Instagram username? Your little girl is just adorable! I love her chins! I really need to get down to organizing my scraps one day here too. They are a mess!

  3. My daughter and I just color coordinated my scraps too! I too am wanting to do Jennifer's QAL, but feel like I don't have the time. We'll see!
    And I swear I had the same conversation with my son about Halloween costume-I get it Ll figured out in my head what supplies ill need and he changes it!

  4. Oh bless your little Winston Churchill impersonator xxx

  5. Awww what a sweet little girl you have there!!

  6. yeah don't worry I forget what I'm on about all the time, there's only so many things you can keep in your head at once.

    Aww she's so cute, love those little chins. I'm fairly new to Instagram, not really got into the swing of it yet.

    My boy says he wants to be spiderman which save me a job as he can use the costume he has already but more than likely he'll come up with something new on the 30th.

    So will the monster be a brown felt and leaves type monster? ;)

  7. I thought exactly the same as Hadders, it's Winston Churchill :oD

    As for the costume, have you never heard the expression 'Never work with children and animals' ;o)

  8. Hilarious that youmneed to manipulate her chins in her bath! So cute!

  9. My son used to use Pez candies as haybales. He would spend hours cranking them up into the haymow of his wooden barn :)

  10. Ah! The life of a mother passing each day with total brain fog. Me too! Thanks for the Mac and Cheese input. I have learned the hard way that many things I've pinned are really not that great. Loving those chubby cheeks by the way! :-)

  11. Such a fun post. Super cute kiddos. and we are IG friends too!

  12. I have to pick up my chins too Toni! Gorgeous pics and I need to sort out my scraps too!

  13. A tree-like monster? ;) I actually heard on the news that they've done studies, and the brains of women after they give birth, resemble those of a person who is legally drunk. All of the hormones, etc. So don't be too hard on yourself. Momnesia is common. :o) It's been 6 years and I still have it. lol Love your pics, cute kids and yummy scraps! xo

  14. your little guy changing his mind AFTER you buy the stuff to make his costume! ;-) Darling moments with the kids here - love them.

  15. Could he be a tree monster?

    Macaroni cheese in our house is made from scratch --I've never even tasted the packaged stuff!
