
Sunday, October 14, 2012


Cranking out the Y seams since I'm still #notgoingtosewingsummit

Since I'm obviously not in SLC right now, I thought I would tackle this month's block for 
Always Bee Learning. Like I said the other day, this bee is supposed to challenge us to try new techniques and Marci has us sewing Y-seams. 

I think I've used this technique once before, though it was on something three-dimensional, maybe the Bike Bucket? Who knows. What I do know, is that I like Y-seams. Seriously, there isn't anything really tricky about them and knowing how to do them opens up quite a few new possibilities for block construction. 

Marci's block

This block is from Malka Dubrawsky's book, "Fresh Quilting: Fearless Color, Design, and Inspiration" and I believe it is used in the "Modern Baby Quilt" project. Marci sent us all the flower pieces already cut from Kate Spain's new Cuzco line and the background pieces are Laura Gunn's Painter's Canvas. My color is a little off in this picture, but the Painter's Canvas is actually just a bit more green, an interesting shade.  

So what are you working on this weekend? I hope to be back later with at least one finished costume to share!

***Linking up with the party at amylouwho***


  1. wow! i thought i was crazy with the y-seams. you take the cake! that block is super cool.

  2. This is gorgeous. I love the bright colors with the grey. Good for you on starting halloween stuff. I'm pretending I'm still back in September.

  3. Beautiful block. WTG with your y seams.

  4. That is a gorgeous block! I have been stitching up a storm today and have two quilt tops and two cushions to show for my troubles :)

  5. I love Y seams too - this block is beautiful - you wouldn't have made anything as nice at Sewing Summit!

  6. It's a lovely block...I need to do my Camelot blocks but I am put off by the Y seams - what did you use to learn how to do it if anything?

  7. I am curious just like Annabella about how you approached your y-seams. I think mastering this skill would open up the possibility of so many new blocks and patterns!

  8. Gorgeous block! I'll try Y seams one day. Not exactly scared - just haven't had the need to try them yet. I shall be hounding you with questions when I do, though. ;)

  9. Your block is lovely! Can't wait to try mine!

  10. Love the block. I don't mind y-seams either. They seem scary, but really aren't so bad at all. Most things aren't when you just give them a try... ;)

  11. Haha, love the title of your post! I also didn't go to sewing summit. Great block!
