
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Gift From a Dear Friend


Jill and I received the best package in the mail a few weeks ago. My super-sweet friend Kelli made Jill this beautiful quilt. I love everything about it...the colors, design, quilting. It is so perfect! She even quilted Jill's name into it, though I forgot to get a good picture of that.

Jill's Kelli quilt up close
I know it has been said thousands of times, but this quilting and blogging community really is amazing and generous! Really, I am at a complete loss for words to convey how special this quilt and the friendship behind it is to me. I am so not someone to talk about my feelings or get all mushy, but I seriously got a little misty-eyed reading Kelli's post about this quilt. She is far more eloquent than I am, so be sure to go read it. And she got better pictures, too! 
You can see I never did finish that hoop or get anything else hung behind Jill's crib...
I think my favorite thing about this quilt is that Kelli used many scraps from projects that were personal to her  and her own kids. The orange solid is even from her son's crib bedding. How fun that our kids, so many miles apart, have that connection! I've gotten to know Kelli through our blogs and emails over the last year and it is like we really are long-lost twins sometimes. We have so much in common and I cannot wait for the day when we get to meet in person! 


  1. Oh that is a gorgeous quilt for a beautiful little girl!

  2. Oh my goodness, how beautiful is the quilt and the sentiment behind it? It's gorgeous (as is the model) and I love that thin white border surrounded by the wider orange one.

  3. Yay, how wonderful. I've watched Kelli's progress on this one (and knew it was for you...hehe). Beautiful.

  4. It's really beautiful, Toni, and how precious Jill looks just hangin' out on it!

  5. It was a joy to make knowing it was going to my twin. :) And by the way, I LOVE Jill's pants! So cute!

  6. What a sweet quilt, and I love the colors!! It goes great in her room, too. What a little cutie. Hope everything's going well! xoxo

  7. What a lovely quilt! So bright an happy! Aren't friends just the best!

  8. This is gorgeous! The colors remind me so much of a sari my mom used to have when i was younger.

  9. Very cool, love the colours she chose

  10. When I read about this on Kelli's blog, I thought it was just the sweetest! Love the colors...

  11. What a fabulous quilt and such a lovely gift. Love the vibrant colours

  12. oh how lovely, the idea, the quilt and jill of course :)

  13. Beautiful baby!! Gorgeous quilt! Really, really cool story!

  14. Jill looks so cute on her new quilt. :) What a sweet gift!

  15. What a sweetie! Love the quilt and love that baby on it!
