
Friday, September 7, 2012

This Post Brought to You by BabyHawk

Not really. BabyHawk has no idea who I am, nor would they want to. However, their lovely product allowed me to get a good bit of sewing done a few days ago so I thought I would thank them. No idea what I'm talking about? Why would you, really? BabyHawk is a brand of baby carrier that my kids have always loved, and it is magical in that I can accomplish ten times as much while wearing one. I got mine when Wyatt was around 8 months old and I've used it for every child. Of course I've tried all kinds of baby carriers, but for some reason this one is always my favorite, at least for the baby stage. I've also got an Ergo that I love for when they are a bit older. Anyway, I know you aren't here for babywearing advice, so onto the sewing....

As soon as I found out what our bee block assignments were for this month I got to work because I really had no idea how long it would take me to finish them. Turns out, not that long...

Andy from A Bright Corner designed these "Jumble" blocks for our September quilt in the Imagine Circle. She wrote a great tutorial for the block which can be found on her blog.  These were fun to put together, until it came time to square them up and I realized mine were a good 1/4" too small. Apparently my version of "scant" isn't quite small enough. So after much seam ripping and re-sewing I got them just big enough. 

For this month's block in Always Bee Learning, Michonne chose New York Beauty blocks using these patterns. She is making a baby quilt and sent an assortment of purple fabrics for us to use. Honestly, I was dreading making these blocks. I always enjoy paper piecing, but sometimes it takes me a really long time, so I was sure I would spend two weeks trying to finish these between Jill's content-in-her-swing times. Not so, my friends, not so. These actually went together quite quickly, and even though I have only sewn curves a couple times they turned out pretty well I think. 

Two bees down, one to go...


  1. Never heard of the "Babyhawk." I used an Over the Shoulder Baby Holder with my first two and switched to the Moby with my third. I loved it, but when she kind of outgrew it after 8 weeks I moved her to the Ergo and loved that, too. Your blocks are lovely, especially the purple ones.

  2. These look great! I really should get to work on my bee blocks this weekend....

  3. I love your bee blocks - the orange and aqua is so pretty!! I have an ergo too - I got a baby insert thing so I can use it from newborn. Thank goodness for Ergo!! in fact I must dig it out at some point!! :)

  4. Babyhawks ROCK
    My little lad is 2yrs old. He mostly wants to walk everywhere now, of course, but when his ickle leg tire, babywearing is still a godsend.
    Definitely going to be your newest follower.

  5. Cool blocks, and that NYB quilt is going to look amazing when it all goes together!

  6. I LOVE my Baby Hawk! I traipsed all over Guatemala with our oldest in tow while waiting for our adoption to complete, then when we had the twins, it seemed I lived with that thing on. I think I used it every time I went grocery shopping for a year, since we had three kids under 3 yrs. old! Even though I have passed on most of my baby gear as we will likely not be needing it for another little one, that is one item I will save forever-too many great memories ! The blocks look great, too:)

  7. I was so impressed when I saw your purple bee blocks! Glad they weren't as scary as they look!

  8. Oh lovely blocks! I exclusively slung my kid from 5 months and probably tried most slings on the market at some point, Babyhawks do indeed rock!

  9. I am so glad those New York Beauty blocks didn't take forever, I need to get on them! Yours turned out beautiful! I had to stop using my carrier on my little chunk, especially since more than one person started commenting that it looked like my baby was walking me! I guess he is too big now! LOL

  10. Love those New York beauty blocks. I've lived in Indiana all my life, and I had to look up Carlisle to see where you are.

  11. Oh wow, those NYB blocks are awesome! Love them. I wish I'd had a Babyhawk when my 2 were little because my cheapo sling just hurt my back. Glad to see things are working out in the baby holding/sewing situation. :)
