
Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Felicities

I was just thinking a few days ago that I really like the bottom of Jeni's posts at In Color Order where she says all the things she is loving that day. And I think the name of Ara Jane's blog, You Know What I Love is one of the best ever. Seriously, she has a built-in title for every post. And let's not forget Felicity who spends time on Fridays naming off her weekly "felicities" or they things that have been making her happy. It is much more fun to be surrounded by people who are able to look for the brighter side of things than it is to be amongst a bunch of Debbie Downers, isn't it? 

So this morning when I noticed that Felicity had turned her Friday Felicities into a linky party I knew that it was time for me to start getting into the act of being a little more optimistic and thankful for all the goodness that surrounds me. I tend to be a fairly sarcastic person, so I think this will be a good exercise for me. 

This week's felicities were easy. I have some of the most kind and generous blogging friends, and after having Jill I received so many well wishes and congratulations from you all and I appreciated them so much. Being a stay-at-home mom to four little kids in a rural community isn't the most conducive to making friends sometimes, so it is fun that I have made so many great connections with you guys. 

Being friends with all you crafty ladies means that I got a few fun packages in the mail to help celebrate our new baby girl. Look at these cute bibs I received from Debbie:
Super cute fabrics


And these burp cloths that my friend Marci sent:
Love the cherries and decorative stitches

These girls must have know that my kids tend to be champion spitter-uppers! 

I'm linking this up with Felicity and hope to make this a weekly habit. What made you happy this week?


  1. What a neat idea for a linky party! I started blogging about my kids in order to highlight the good parts of my day-- exhaustion can make you focus on just the bad. I love the idea of Friday Felicities!

  2. Ah, yes, love optimism! (but secretly, I love sarcasm too, is that bad?!). What sweet baby gifts! Hope y'all have a great weekend!

  3. Lovely! It's great to focus on the positives, isn't it? I'm not too good at that sometimes, so this is a nice reminder.

  4. You're right - its much nicer to be around upbeat people and counting our blessings is a great thing to do!

  5. What lovely felicities - bloggy friends are wonderful friends for sure. Happy Friday and thanks so much for linking up!

  6. Oh man, I'd struggle with the up beat too lol, well done!

  7.'s to optimism AND bloggy friends!

  8. Hi!!! Yes it is much more fun to be up!!! It even helps yourself feel better!!! It is hard sometimes...hugs

  9. Thanks for sharing the Friday Felicities! Something like this couldn't have come at a more perfect time for me! :)

    Those bibs are super cute!
