
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August Blocks

I finished all my August bee block obligations the day before Jill was born. I knew I probably wouldn't get around to making them after she arrived, so I'm glad I was able to finish them. I didn't get them into the mail until just a few days ago though! I took these lovely pictures with my now-defunct iPhone since my memory card has yet to appear...(My first Apple product lasted less than 30 days. Highly annoying.)

For the Modern Blocks Bee, Marci asked for the Stargazer block by Angela Pingel, using the aqua print for stars and a pretty floral for the background. This block was high on my list of possibilities for my month in the bee, too. I think Marci will have a really fun quilt when she gets all the blocks together. 

For the Imagine Circle of dGS, Jessica had us use her Technicolor Twist tutorial to make a 20" block in orange, yellow, bright pink, and purple along with white and light grey. This was a fun block to put together and I can't wait to see the quilt when Jessica is done!

I haven't spent much time on curved seams, so when Stephanie requested that the members of Always Bee Learning make the pods from Quilting Modern, I thought it would be fun and a bit challenging. She sent a selection of her scraps in various oranges and other warm tones along with greys, asking that we use one of each per pod. 

These actually went together very easily, thanks to the fabulous directions in the book. The only one that I made that didn't turn out well was one that was pretty small and I had a hard time holding onto it as I sewed. I'm interested to see how this quilt turns out. I haven't seen a picture yet of the quilts in the book that use this type of block, though it seems that everything Jacquie and Katie make is awesome so I'm sure they're great. I will say that the entire time I was making these, all I could think of was my impending childbirth and how these looked like something entirely different than "pods". Much like what Kristie talked about today...


  1. Oh dear. Yes, I read Kristie's post today too! haha

  2. You and Kristie! Cracking me up today. Nice work on the blocks!

  3. Love that Technicolor Twist block! Well done!

  4. Ha! You're so right! Ya know, sewing those up is probably what sent you into labor :).

  5. ROFL, I thought the same thing about those pods ;o) WTG getting them done on time though!

  6. I really like your Stargazer block! Beautiful work this month. :)

  7. funny. I mean what awesome bee blocks! ;-)

  8. You're such an overachiever Toni I bet you told your baby girl to just stay put until you were done sewing, ha ha!

  9. My block is awesome and amazing, thanks so much! I need to get sewing on mine this month!
