
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cherry Crisp

I'm not sure if anyone has noticed a lack of posts about food here lately, but in all honesty, there hasn't been much cooking going on in the Lovelady house lately.  When Roger is farming, kids are playing ball, and well, any other excuse I can think of lately, I just don't cook very often. Meals this summer have been a lot of sandwiches, salads, and quesadillas. 

But for some reason the other day I decided that I was determined to make my family a proper meal that night. It was really hot, so I thought I would be smart and just make something in the crockpot so my kitchen would stay cool. Maybe you've seen this recipe for Brown Sugar and Balsamic Glazed Pork Loin floating around Pinterest? It was delicious, and so simple! Even if you don't want to make a pork loin, just make the sauce and pour it over chicken or pretty much anything you want to taste fabulous. 

Of course, that afternoon I decided that we needed cherry crisp for dessert, so that kind of made my effort to keep the oven off a little pointless...But, I have loads of cherries in the freezer and this is so easy to make, I didn't mind the heat. The original recipe is from the King Arthur Flour Baking Book, though I make a few changes, which I note in the recipe below...

Sweet Cherry Crisp 
***The original recipe is for blueberries, but I used the same amount of cherries 
and have used a mixture of fruits several times with great results.

4 generous cups coarsely chopped cherries
1/2 c. sugar (I used less, probably 1/3 cup)
1/4 c. all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp. salt
2 tsp lemon juice

1 and 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup sugar (again, more like1/3 cup)
10 TB melted butter (I only used 8 TB, or one whole stick)
1 cup walnuts or pecans, chopped (I only used 1/2 cup pecans)

Grease and flour a 9" pie pan. Preheat oven to 350.
Put the cherries in the pan. Mix the remaining filling ingredients together and sprinkle over cherries.
In a medium bowl, mix together the topping ingredients and sprinkle over the fruit. Bake the crisp for 45 to 50 minutes, until the top is golden and the filling is bubbly. (I almost always use frozen fruit, so I generally have to add about 5-10 minutes to the baking time.)
Cool slightly, then serve warm with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.

I finally have a post ready to link up with Debbie for Tuesdays at the Table! I believe this is the last week for her special series, Tuesdays at the {summer} Table, so be sure to stop over there and see what everyone else is sharing!


  1. Everything we do these days seems crockpot glad we are not the only ones! I suppose it is that or the grill and I refuse to give the kids hotdogs everynight! Will try the porkloin. Thanks Toni!
    - R

  2. ooo - TWO new recipes - awesome! Both sound really good. Sorry you don't feel like cooking much. We all go through those phases and you have as good an excuse as any! ;-)

  3. Yum! This looks delicious! My dad would love this.
    I need to pin the pork loin recipe too!
    I'm with you--way too hot to cook here (Friday it's going to be 101!), so we're living on sandwiches and quesadillas. Could be much worse!

  4. Thanks for sharing both recipes! I haven't been cooking much either lately, nor has my husband (although he does more of it than I do). It's got to be partially the nice weather we've been having and the fact that we'd both rather be outside than in the kitchen. :)

  5. Oh yum! Everyone is posting such great recipes, I'll have to try them all!
