
Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Where to even begin? It is hard to just jump in with a subject when you've let your blogging slide so much! Here are just a few of the things that have been going on around here lately...

Wyatt is absolutely in love with this teacher!
Wyatt graduated preschool last week and is incredibly excited to start kindergarten this fall. Just about every day he tells Carson about what he should expect in preschool next year, and how Wyatt will be going to "real" school in August, but Carson can't start preschool until September. Wyatt also has his first real baseball game tonight, but sadly I won't be there to watch him play in the outfield dirt.

This little guy looks pretty cute, right? Well, for the last three or four days he has been battling some kind of nasty virus so we are staying home tonight so we don't infect the rest of the kids in town at the ballpark. He was devastated! But luckily his T-ball game was cancelled anyway, so he's only missing out on watching Wyatt play. 

But one thing has brightened his spirits...
Last Friday we got our new playground delivered and the kids have been having a blast, though I'm seriously thinking about starting a pool as to when we have our first visit to the ER.

Not a whole lot has been going on at the sewing machine, but here are a few tidbits...
I've made several receiving blankets out of white gauze for the new baby. Super simple, just cut it to size and serged the edges. Since she'll be born in August I think this gauze will make a nice swaddling blanket, as opposed to the flannel ones we used with our winter-born boys. But I can't just leave them 
white, can I?

I have a few other colors to try, but these are the two I'm using today. I'm also throwing a little onesie in each of the dye baths to liven up her wardrobe a bit.

And not to forget little Max, he is getting some new pj pants, using the Big Butt Baby pattern from 
Made by Rae. I like using this pattern for babies since it gives a little extra room for diapers than regular pants patterns.

After I cut out these two pairs, I realized I was cutting a size too big, so I cut out a few more in a smaller size, though both look way too big for him right now. Oh well, they are fairly easy to make!


  1. Lots going on! How are you feeling these days? The PJ pants will be super cute!

  2. Oh my goodness! Our boys sound so alike! My oldest is starting kindgarten too, and the twins will be in preschool. Also, my oldest plays t-ball, but really loves the dirt-like fills his baseball glove full of dirt and dumps it over his head! What?! Come on kid, mama's got enough laundry! Actually, he only did that once, because when we got home I made him help me rinse out his clothes...

  3. I like all of the baby and kid related projects you have going on. You'll have to let me know how the dying goes. Growing up I had one of those tall all-metal swing sets (with sharp bolts sticking out and everything), and out of three kids, I was the only one who ever required an emergency room visit. It looks like the modern swing sets are a lot safer now. :)

  4. Oooh! I had to go back to read the news (and make sure I read you right)... You're having a girl!!! Congrats!

    In other news, so sorry to hear that one of your little guys is not feeling well. I hope he gets better soon! I am a little envious that your playhouse is completely done... Our boys just got one this year too, we are waiting on parts to finish it, and hubby has to rig up something to cover the sandbox part of it. He doesn't want the sand in there without a cover. :)

  5. So sorry your little guy's been sick! But what fun projects you've been working on. Brave girl with the Rit!

  6. It's not like Max isn't going to grow!!
    Hope all are well now - poorly kids are no fun :(
    PS. That's one awesome playframe too xxx

  7. Yeah, what Hadley said, he'll grow into them! Hoping Carson feels better soon - btw, I discovered from my dad and uncles that there is actually a tipping point when being the oldest isn't the best, it'll just take you about 60 years to get there ;o)

  8. Gah, your new playground set is amazing! I'm jealous, and I'm too big to ride the swings! :D

    Ooh, those are cute colors you picked out for the baby's swaddling blankets! I'm looking forward to seeing how they come out! :)

  9. You have a lot to do - obviously! As long as you keep popping in once in a while I am a happy follower ;-)
    I wanna see more of your fabric dying adventures and those pants you are making!

  10. Ooh, sweet swing set! I hope your little guy is on the mend soon. I'm excited to see how the blankets turn out!

  11. Looking forward to seeing the results of your dyeing.

    I made it - read every post! (I'm glad you've slowed down a little; made things easier for me! LOL)

  12. Receiving blankets made out of gauze are so perfect for a summer baby. I wish I'd thought of them for my two! And I just have to say how cute your boys are. I bet they give good sugar too!!! My boy sure does!
