
Sunday, March 25, 2012


So, I spent a lot of time sewing this weekend. 
Do I have anything worthwhile to show for it? Not really.

My month as the "quilter" for our circle of do. Good Stitches is coming up (not until May, but I want to be ready as that is a pretty busy time around here) and I have been trying to decide what exactly to ask everyone to make. I have all kinds of inspirational quilts pinned, but the things I've been coming up with just aren't doing it for me.

From the top...I've seen many modern/liberated cross quilts going around that I really like (here, here, and here)  and I think this would be an easy one for the group. If I go this route, our colors would be orange, aqua, grey, and navy. I definitely think this is one of those blocks that you need to see several of together before it really starts looking good.

The middle row...I've also been seeing some fun string quilts lately, so I came up with this block, and was going to use orange, yellow, green, and aqua as the colors. I'm not so sure about this one, either. I kind of like it, but I think it might be better if the blocks had all the colors, not just one. Or if they were smaller...

Bottom row...I love this block that Penny made for her Farmer's Wife quilt. It is called the Single Wedding Star, but after doing a bit of research I found out that it is also called the Rolling Stone block. Amanda Jean just used it in a quilt and there is another similar example by Rita from Red Pepper Quilts here. My plan was to still go with the orange, yellow, green, aqua color scheme, using solids as the background, but that might be a bit too colorful. Since everyone in this bee uses their stash, I didn't want to name a specific solid color for us to use, though I am tempted to try white as I really love how Rita's quilt looks.

So yes, indecision is the name of the game around here this weekend. That, and frustration. Any words of wisdom?


  1. That's a tough call, Toni! I love the crosses look, but they'll all be great.

  2. No wisdom really, but since #3 (Rolling Stone) seems a tad less prolific, it might be fun for your bee members...just a thought.

  3. I'd say sleep on it. not very helpful am i? I struggle with this part of the design process too. Usually though after a while I go with my gut feeling. You have time though, so maybe something will 'speak' to you before then.

  4. I like the middle one, followed by the bottom one. Good luck! I think I just picked my block for my Do.Good. circle. It was NOT easy.

  5. Personally, I like the look of the cross blocks or maybe a wonky pound sign, but they are all really pretty. I love all the bright color choices, especially the orange, aqua, gray and navy of the crosses. You really can't go wrong with any of these!

  6. I like Debbie's idea. I learn a lot from my bees, making blocks I wouldn't normally make for myself. The third option would help your bee members stretch their skills.

  7. Being in a bee, I would love to try #3, because it is not a block I would normally go with, but it looks fun. If you do go with a certain solid (like white) I would make sure they all use that color though... you could get some snows and other variations that take away from the beauty of the blocks.

  8. I like the crosses, too, but that's just me.. swamped in indecision over here, too this weekend! Have a great week, Toni!

  9. I would equally weigh which block design you would like to see repeated in a completed quilt with which one you think would be the most fun for your bee members to make. Personally, I do really like #3, especially in the colors you have chosen. It's beautiful!

  10. I love them all - as a stash-make I would find the crosses the easiest to find fabric for, but I do love the Rolling Stones x

  11. Loving the colours. Liking the smaller cross block, and the middle ones. Would look faboulous as a chevron quilt.

  12. I'm not a huge fan of the crosses, or wasn't until I saw yours. I like the mix of sizes you've got too, but I actually like all 3. The crosses would definitely be easiest for the group, but the strings or the rolling stones might be more interesting. Whatever you choose from those 3 will make a great quilt. If you go with 3, I'd say asking for white or even like Kona Ash (light gray) is good. Those would allow the colors to stand out and both are easy to get ahold of for everyone.

  13. Love the crosses, and I think I'd love the strings if they weren't so fat...

  14. Oh I feel for you as my month is April and I still haven`t decided what to ask for! I need to come up with an idea...quick!

  15. I don't have any advice for you... sitting on some quilting indecision of my own! I also feel like I sewed all weekend, with not much to show for it. :) Hoping tonight is my night!

  16. I really like the look of the block in Rita's quilt. I'm adding it to my ever-growing list of things to make.
