
Thursday, March 1, 2012

I'm Back... And Fresh Sewing Day

Hello, Strangers!

After a fabulous vacation to the beach and returning home to warm weather, it is safe to say that spring fever is in full swing around here. It is a beautiful day here today so I hope to spend much of it outside getting my garden in shape for planting next month. I pretty much neglected it last fall, so there is quite a bit of work to be done. 

I won't bore you with too many details of our trip, but we had a great time despite the cool and windy conditions NW Florida offered us. Even so, it was better than the sleet and freezing temps that were here in Indiana!

Onto the sewing...

Top: Mouthy Stitches Pouch...more on this later
Middle: Travel Sewing 
Bottom: Mullet Bag for FTLOS Swap

And the bee blocks:

Top: Quilting for Kids Asterisk Blocks
Bottom: Imagine Circle's Modern BOM

"Boxed In" for Modern Blocks Bee

So now you've seen my February sewing accomplishments. Let's hope there are as many for March!

**Linking up to Fresh Sewing Day at Lily's Quilts**

***AND, I've extended my giveaway until Saturday evening, so if you haven't entered there is still time!***


  1. Welcome back, Toni!! Love your projects - esp. your pouch and bags...very fun!!

  2. Happy March! I'm glad you had a fun trip!

  3. fun stuff Toni! The pouches are super cute, love the rainbows with linen. And the last bee block is great, what fabric line is this? See it popping up here and bright!

  4. Everything looks great. LOVE that mouthy stitches pouch!!!!

  5. Welcome back! Your projects are all so happy and colourful. :)

  6. How did the boys like the beach? Mine were dumb struck the first time they saw the great big ocean.

  7. Your mosaics are so bright and cheerful (and they actually match the photo of your little guy!). You made some beautiful work this month! I'm glad you enjoyed your trip and had warm weather to enjoy. :)

  8. Great makes for the month, glad you had a fun holiday :o)

  9. All that, and a holiday - what a great month!

  10. Glad you had a good holiday and you had a fab making month!! I am still in love with your mouthy stitches pouch ;)

  11. Toni, you got all of that done AND went on vacation? And it was even a short month! My goodness :-)

  12. definitely take sun and sand over sleet and snow! Some wonderful things you worked on in February - love the nice bright colours on your Mouthy Stitches Pouch.

  13. Lovely makes! Especially jealous of the holiday though!

  14. Aw, that's such a cuuuuute baby sand picture!

  15. Very cute beach picture!! Love all the makes this month :)

  16. That is a beautiful beach. Your projects for last month are wonderful, nice to see them all together.

  17. Sounds like your vacation was a success. I just found your blog. I nosed around a little on it. Since I live in the same county as you and in a post last year you mentioned how far you had to travel to get to your LQS I wanted to point out there are a couple closer.

    Busy Bees is on the northwest side of Linton. Rilleda Hudson owns it and it is a very nice shop. Her hours are Tues & Wed, 8 to 4, Thurs 8 to 7 and the first two Saturdays of the month, 8 to 2.

    She has a wide variety of fabrics and is quite close to you.

    There is also an Amish woman down at Mongomery - Wagler Quilts and of course, The Stitching Post in Washington.

    Email me if you need directions to any of them.

    Enjoyed reading your blog. I, too, have three boys. I think the oldest is just about your age!

  18. Some beautiful makes - I love all your bright colours!

  19. Just in case you think Blogger has been holding out in you, I am currently reading through all your posts from 1 March forward but won't necessarily comment on every one of them; it's good to have a faster internet connection!
