
Friday, February 10, 2012

Traveling Stash Giveaway!

Remember a few weeks ago when Ali was looking for someone to pass along the Traveling Stash?
That's right, I won!! How excited do you think I was when this box showed up in my mailbox?

"What is the Traveling Stash?" you may be asking...Basically it is a box filled with random goodness such as fabrics, notions, patterns, etc. If you win the Stash, you are welcome to take out whatever you want to keep, then add in your own items and pass it on. You can read more about it here.

Here's what I found when I opened the box...

It was so fun looking through all those fabrics and thinking of what I might want to keep and what I would be adding into the box. 

So, would you like to be the next Stash recipient?

Just leave one comment here, maybe tell me something you are looking forward to? 

Here's mine: It is cold, grey, and snowy here today but I am looking forward to our Florida vacation in a couple weeks. I need some warmth! Your turn!!

Here's the fine print:

To enter, you must be:
1. An active blogger
2. A U.S. resident (Sorry international friends!)
3. You must promise to refill the box after you have taken out what you want to keep. 

 I'll keep the giveaway open until 8 PM Eastern time Wednesday, Feb. 15th. Sound good?


  1. I'm looking forward to Spring and planting our veggie garden!!

  2. I'm looking forward to having hot water in the house! We had a pipe under the cement slab break and dh is fixing it now.

    I promise to fill the stash box and pass it on.

  3. We're looking forward to Bahamas, but don't enter me in the draw. I'm in Nova Scotia!! Congrats on the box, but it was fun to dig through there.

  4. I am looking forward to getting an order of fabric that I purchased so that I can finish up my Echo quilt top! lol I am also giddy that spring feels like it is just around the corner. :)

  5. I'm looking forward to spring vacation with my family at the end of March. And maybe getting the traveling stash in the mail...?

  6. I was thinking- what's AUS? australia, then I re-read it as A US resident.... I'd love to win this and add more from my stash to it. I'm looking forward to maybe the first snow next week, we'll see.

  7. Definitely looking forward to summer vacation... oh and potty training to be over. yeah....

  8. I'm looking forward to my Hellebores (Lenten Roses) popping, and also my Amaryllis! Both are budding and that's a real pleasure - flowers in February!

  9. i am looking forward to the weekend! i have a thai cooking class with my dad- his christmas present!

  10. Lucky lucky you! I`m applying for US citizenship tonight!

  11. I swear this is the coolest idea ever!!

    I am most looking forward to July, for our family beach trip!

  12. I am looking forward to getting all of my Swoon pieces cut so I can finally start sewing on them! Sign me up! This looks so cool and fun!

  13. Lucky you! The traveling stash is such a cool idea!

    I am looking forward to finishing my oldest son's quilt! Just needs to be basted, quilted, & bound!

  14. What a fun idea!

    I'm looking forward to a trip to the zoo on Saturday - which will also involve gifting a quilt I made for the three year old son of a friend of ours, as well as thrifting at a shop that our friend said has a bunch of vintage fabric.

    Thanks for the chance to win :)

  15. I'm looking forward to winning the traveling stash!! could you imagine if i really won now? haha

  16. Oh, wow! What am I looking forward to? I'm looking forward to winning your traveling stash and choosing amongst the goodies. Yes! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  17. What a delightful idea. It could have its own blog...Tales from the Road...each recipient could make a guest entry.

    I am looking forward to hugging my oldest son, I don't know when. He is in his second semester of his Fr. year in college. I miss him so much I wouldnt mind doing all of his stinky laundry.

  18. What a cool idea! I'm looking forward to my son's birthday. Actually, his party moreso than his birthday. Okay, so I'm ready for his party to be over, let's be honest here! I invited his class thinking half would bow out because it's during our winter break. Uh, no. So far I'm at 11 yeses and counting.

  19. Wow! What a cool idea! I'm sure that was a bright spot in your day, Toni! I'm looking forward to a few quiet sewing hours all to myself...

  20. Sounds like fun. Unfortunately I'm not in USA

  21. I'm looking forward to a less hectic schedule starting in a few weeks so I can spend more time quilting!

  22. This is so fun! I'm looking forward to taking a nap tomorrow. :)

  23. I'm looking forward to a couple of things... long term, hubby is taking a week off in March and we are going somewhere (not sure where yet, but somewhere!) and short term I have a gift card for a massage that I'm going to use tomorrow!!

  24. Ooooh me next me next! send the traveling stash to PA!

    I am looking forward to a weekend at home with my husband. We have been traveling a lot on weekends, and this week their are no travel plans.

    It's the simple things in life :)

  25. Oh, what a lovely array of goodies for you to open up to - oh my!! I am looking forward to a sewing weekend with my daughter and SIL. Lots of laughter and food - maybe we will sew.

  26. Sounds fun! I'm looking forward to seeing my son again...not sure when that will be, but sure am looking forward to it!

  27. Well, I've been on a bit of a hiatus, so I hope I still qualify. I'm really looking forward to finally sewing again & made the first step by setting up my sewing machine yesterday.

  28. I looking forward to Summer...warm weather...heat...humidity...and all the wonderful things that go with it. Would love to raid the stash and add to it for someone else. Have a great day.

  29. Sure, why not! Add my name.

    I'm looking forward to not being sick. I've had a cold getting worse all week and it's highly annoying. =)

    Thank you.

  30. I'm looking forward to seeing our 3 grandsons in May!

  31. Oh, Toni, this sounds like so much fun! I have never heard of it before. Look at all those lovelies!!!

  32. Looks like fun!! I'm looking forward to finding out if my baby is a boy or a girl, so I can start making stuff for the nursery! :)

  33. Awesome!! I'm looking forward to a weeks vacation that's coming up!

  34. Lucky you, Toni! Fingers crossed I get it next. :)

    I'm looking forward to the summer so I have more free time to work on my own projects.

  35. Oh, you know I'm in and looking to win!! Hmmm, we just got home from Disney for the day and it was wonderful, so I guess I'm looking forward to the upcoming softball/teeball season because I love spending time at the ball fields watching my kids play!

  36. Come on random generator! Pick me! I am looking forward to winning this... Well that and spring too, I can't wait to get out of the house!

  37. I'm looking forward to having my quilts in our local guild show for the first time. The thought of a box of stash is so exciting. I promise to fill and pass it along.

  38. It's cold and snowy here too and I look forward to spring temps, flowers and green grass. I love everything about spring. I Can't wait!!

  39. Very fun and I'm ready to try to take part in the traveling stash! I'm looking forward to... snow, believe it or not! We've had a dismal winter in terms of snowfall this year and I would really love a good dump!

  40. I am looking forward to seeing some green grass and leaves. This box looks great - mostly fabric and not too many patterns. Would love to win it.

  41. What a fun idea!!! I would love to play along. If I don't win I am so going to start my own traveling box, what a nice cheap way to put a smile on someones face!!

  42. NJ would be a great place for the next stop for the Travelling Stash. It's a little cold today, but my heat works well! LOL

  43. I'm looking forward to spending some time to with my DD who will be home from college this weekend.

  44. those are some really pretty fabric!!

    thanks for the giveaway

  45. Please count me in ... I'd be a willing hostess for the traveling stash! :)

  46. Oh look at all of that beautiful fabric. I am an active US blogger and I promise to to replenish generously.

  47. I'm looking forward to Easter. I love the pastel colors, coloring eggs, making the kids' baskets, etc.

  48. I am looking forward to a three day weekend next weekend! I plan on sewing up a storm!

  49. I'm looking forward to my birthday. I know most people usually do, but I haven't in a few years.

  50. I am looking forward to and dreading at the same time, my daughter's notification from graduate schools she has applied to. It's scary how important one little envelope can be.

  51. Hi Toni! This is the coolest idea-- I would love to have the traveling stash visit me!
    Right now, I am most looking forward to finishing my dissertation. I can't wait for it to be done!

  52. I am looking forward to warmer weather and some decor improvements. Great fun in that box!

  53. Oh, how cool! I'm looking forward to our family vacation later this year, finishing our picnic blanket, and making a quilt out of my Echo bundle. :)

  54. I'll throw my name in the pile! I am looking forward to The Bachelor tonight (silly, I know), hanging with my new cat, and working on a new pattern. :)

  55. I'm looking forward to my class play being over tomorrow. (We've got a performance tonight and one again in the morning.) I'm exhausted and ready to stop praying no one will get sick. It would be an amazing WOOO! You're done!!! present to win this!

  56. It's cold and white here -- snowed today!
    I, too, am looking forward to a Florida vacation in a couple of weeks -- fun, fun, fun!

  57. I'm looking forward to surprise dinner out tonight! (I think I know where he's taking me!)
