
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pancake Day!

How many of you knew that today is unofficially Pancake Day? 

Somehow I have missed out on that little tidbit for the last 31 years, but thankfully I have been schooled. All my life, this was just the day before Ash Wednesday, meaning it was the day I needed to figure out what I was giving up for Lent. This usually means that I attempt to consume my weight in chocolate because I wouldn't be tasting it again until Easter.  Somehow the memo that pancakes were to be consumed never made it to my mother, either. I don't remember ever getting them on Shrove Tuesday, though I can't really blame her as it is a school morning and we usually had to be on the bus by 6:45.

But upon reading several other blogs talking about their traditions of eating pancakes on this day, I decided that it needed to be done. I like a little variety in my pancakes, so this morning we tried a new recipe, 
Peanut Butter Pancakes from This Homemade Life. So, so good. The kids loved them and even saved a couple for me.

Since I have no fun pictures to share about the pancakes, I looked through my folders and found this one from about a year ago. Aren't my helpers cute in their aprons?

 **Linking up to Tuesdays at the Table with Debbie at A Quilter's Table. Head over there and read about her fun day at Pike Place Market! I may be a little jealous.


  1. in britain it is not unofficially pancake day it is pancake day and has been for as long as anyone can remember ............we always had pancakes when we got back from school,our pancakes are the large thin ones not unlike the french crepe we eat them with brown sugar and lemon in our house mmmmmmmmmmmmm.enjoy your pancakes :))))

  2. Oh, in the UK and Ireland it's ALWAYS pancake day on Shrove Tuesday, we get totally into it (although I think less for religious reasons and more for the opportunity to load up on lemon and sugar, and nutella these days ;o) )

  3. What???? Pancake day? That's awesome!! Here's an awesome recipe that my friend recently sent me. It's easy, nothing fancy, but soooo yummy.

  4. So sad missing out on pancakes all those years! :) We have pancake day here in Australia, we always had them for dessert after dinner as a kid, with lemon and sugar - yum!!

  5. We just came back from Pancake Tuesday dinner at our church-yummy pancakes, baked beans and sausage. Breakfast for dinner rocks (and I didn't have to cook it!).

  6. I didn't know that today was pancake day, but I might have to celebrate with some Brinner (aka breakfast for dinner)! :) Thanks Toni! Pike's is a food-lover's dream come true. I don't get there as often as I should considering it's only about a 15 min drive from my house.

  7. We've been missing out on Pancake Day too! I need to talk to my mom about this.

  8. Oh crikey, we always have pancakes on pancake day - in fact that is always our tea/dinner!!! Nothing else, except great toppings - lemon & sugar, Nutella or anything else you love.

  9. Always pancake day in the UK!! We had ours with honey and some with marmalade :) yum!
    Lemon and sugar is the traditional British way - check our Delia Smith's recipe on the BBC

  10. They are adorable in their aprons! :o) This makes me want to run downstairs and cook pancakes with A. right now. But it's 8 pm here, and he's sick anyway.. Apparently the memo never made it to my mom either. Next year it's pancakes! Glad you enjoyed yours, sounds like a yummy recipe! xo

  11. Yay for pb pancakes - yummy! When I was a kid, my mom would make us chocolate chip(!) pancakes for a treat, & we'd spread them with pb. YUM. Your little guys are sooo cute!

  12. cute as pie! we had pancakes too with choc sauce and golden syrup yum! x

  13. The kids made pancakes at school for Shrove Tuesday (pancake day) - they never knew about it either before they started going to a catholic school last year:)

  14. We had pancakes for dinner on Shrove Tuesday. Crepe style pancakes with lemon and sugar.

  15. We always have pancakes (more like crepes than Scotch or American pancakes) for/after tea on Shrove Tuesday (harks back to when you needed to use up all your fat, etc. before Lent started) - I have mine with butter and sugar, yummy! Hope your chefs enjoyed the results of their cooking!

  16. They are super cute in the aprons! Love the idea of making pancakes on Fat Tuesday...never knew that either. My Tuesday was spent eating dessert all day long...yea I gave up sweets for Lent. Going to make Debbie's Cupcakes for Easter just to make up for it. :)
