
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

WIP Wednesday

Well, not much to see here today, kids. Seems I've been doing little sewing this week. 

I did get a few more strips done on Wyatt's quilt, but I'm going to have to go back and enlarge the red, orange and possibly yellow strips.

When I made those first strips so narrow I was basing it off his picture that included white space between each color, but turns out he just wants all the colors together with no negative space. 

Really, that's about the extent of my productivity this week. I attempted quilting the heart mini a few different ways, but wasn't pleased with any of them, so I spent a little time with the ripper. I've got the binding made and am going to try hand quilting instead. 

After we pick up Wyatt from preschool this morning we'll be making our way to Iowa for a quick visit to my parents, so I think I'll be delivering the heart mini as a gift to my mom. She's much more into that kind of thing than I am!

Hope everyone has a delightful rest of the week! See you Monday!


  1. Love Wyatt's quilt! Have a great trip & enjoy your time with family!

  2. Gorgeous! Have a safe trip and enjoy your visit with your family!

  3. Want. To. Pet. Rainbow..... looking good! And I think u made the right choice, ommitting the white sashing :)

  4. Wyatt's quilt is so full of rainbowy awesomeness. Love it!

    Oh, and the potato leek soup was a hit! YOungest son asked for more when he finished, so that's a clue right there!!

  5. What an awesome, cheery quilt! I hope you have a super fun mini-trip!

  6. it looks great: I love those colours

  7. looks fabulous!! i like the idea of the red being a little thicker to match the width of the other colors, but maybe leaving the orange thinner for contrast? although, orange is THE color right now, so... ;)

  8. Gorgeous quilt Toni but I`m sure Wyatt doesn`t mind if I have it!

  9. His quilt will be amazing! Safe travels to you and your family!

  10. The quilt will look amazing - noted that you are away - MS partner deets will be waiting when you get back xxx

  11. Loving Wyatt's quilt! Have a safe trip!

  12. Love it, Toni! Looking forward to watching it come together. :) Safe travels!

  13. Heh, what have we told you about listening to the kids and giving them options? ;o)

    Have a fun trip!

  14. Wyatt is going to have the bestest quilt - It looks great already....

  15. Love how Wyatt's quilt is progressing!

  16. I love the colours and fabrics you've chosen.

    Have a great weekend!

  17. Wyatt's quilt top is looking great! Hope you all had a wonderful visit with your parents. :)
