
Monday, January 2, 2012

Just What I Needed

Do you ever just kind of get in a rut that you can't seem to get out of?
I've been that way for the last week or so with my sewing. I've seen plenty of projects that I want to make, but nothing that really made me get up and break out the fabric. 

Thank goodness my new bees are starting up this month. I may not be inspired to make anything on my own but if I know that I have something I need to do for someone else I don't like to procrastinate. 

This month for our Imagine circle of do. Good Stitches, Amanda chose the Sawtooth Star block in reds, pink, white, and grey. She left it up to each stitcher to decide what size stars to make and gave us several photos for inspiration.

Here is the first block I made. I paper-pieced the 3" stars using this pattern and made the 6" star via this tutorial by Elizabeth Hartman. Pink is by far the color I have the least of in my stash so it was nice to find a few prints I could use. 

For my second block I used the same tutorial as I did the 6" star in the first block, but I changed the middle square a bit. Overall I am pleased with how these blocks came out. I was a bit frustrated last night when I was finishing the grey block and came out 1/4" too short on one side but that was an easy enough fix.

I had a lot of fun making these blocks and now that I've gotten out of that rut I've thought of a few more things I'd like to try, too. Roger went back to work today and Wyatt starts school on Wednesday so hopefully the reintroduction of a schedule will help a bit, too!


  1. Wonderful stars, I especially like the multi-star block. I'm sure you will be back in the groove in no time.

  2. Great job on those stars, hope your mojo comes back as the others head back out the door again ;o)

  3. Bee blocks have to be 1/4" too small - it's the law!
    Love yours x

  4. These are great blocks! And I totally understand the 'rut' - I'm in it now!

  5. I really like these blocks and thanks for the paper piecing link - I am going to try that.
    I am in such a rut and have hardly sewn anything despite getting a fabulous new machine for Christmas. I hope to get out of my rut SOON!

  6. I was feeling so inspired after Christmas and I was so sure that I'd leap on my sewing machine the second I got off the plane but in between germs and the pooch getting in an accident just hours before I got home I'm now feeling wildly uninspired. Maybe I just need to get started on something.

  7. Well yout stars are totally gorgeous - I could have sent you some pinks and reds as I have too many in my stash. Hope the mojo returns soon Toni!

  8. Yummy- love your sawteeth! Hehe :)

  9. I love the way you laid out your block! The pinks you had on hand are really pretty, too. :)

  10. These are gorgeous! I also really need to get some sewing started this week (still have Christmas gifts to finish, eek!). ;) Thanks for linking the tutorial too!

  11. i love these blocks, the colors are great!

  12. I think it's the post-Christmas funk! I can't seem to get off the couch tonight, even though I have plenty to do!

  13. Oh my goodness those are lovely! The second block is so interesting with the change of that middle square. Great job. Good luck getting back into your groove. :)
