
Thursday, December 15, 2011


You guys are awesome. Seriously awesome.
I am completely amazed at the number of people who have stopped by in the last few days. You really want some Kona, don't you? I have loved reading what everyone does for a living. Such an interesting variety!

Like everyone else, I've been a little busy lately, but I really wanted to pop in and say a couple Thank-You's.
First, thanks to everyone who has entered the giveaway and to those who have decided to stick around and see what other crazy stuff goes on around here.   

Also, a huge thank-you to everyone who left such kind comments about me on my recent feature at Amy's Creative Side. I was so flattered to be featured there and as I was battling the plague your comments really made my day! 

Other random bits from around here lately...

We finally got to celebrate this guy's birthday Sunday night. He devoured his cake and had a great time staying up way past his bedtime. I used this frosting recipe for the first time and it was delicious. Not sure "magical" is quite realistic, but very good nonetheless. 

Progress is being made on the Pooches and Pickups quilt for our friends' baby due any day. Huge thank you to my friend Cindy for sending me some of her scraps of this line to supplement that large print I had. Anyone notice the mistake in the picture?

And finally...
we have a Christmas tree! Tree pants are in place. I let the kids do all the decorating. The only thing that I did was put on the lights and the ornament Kelly sent me. Though our tree will never win a beauty contest, I think they did a great job.


  1. Your tree is great but that cute wee face all covered in goo is the pic I like the best!

  2. If the mistake is the upside down dog corner pieces... I like it!

  3. Oops the quilt is great too and the tree pants - blame the baby for my lack of comment on those earlier!

  4. Love the tree trousers - very stylish! Love the tree and the quilt (love the dogs on their backs!) and the face covered in frosting, etc. is very cute!

  5. toni that quilt came out fabulous! i love the solids paired with it! the tree pants are great too, really need to try them sometime! haha

  6. and of course i didn't mention the ADORABLE baby! haha love the frosting face :)

  7. oh your quilt looks great - the doggies make life interesting! And love your tree pants - they look great on your tree!! Also glad you all are feeling some better - yay for celebrating little ones!

  8. Sure, what's an upside down dog or two between friends - you can just tell the new owners that they're Australian ;o)

    Glad the wee one finally got his sugar rush for the year (no wonder he was up past his bedtime, but he wears his food so well!)

    My mum always let me decorate our tree too, apart from anything else, I was annoyingly logical and had to make everything some out even, she was the one that tended to throw the decorations on (which is exactly what she does these days now I'm not there to do it lol) Anywho, I think yours looks just fine, and it wears its pants so well (sorry, I really struggle to type that, pants to us is panties to you, and I keep having visions of a tree in a thong...)

  9. Oh Toni the pants look great! My pants will have to wait for next year as my tree went up and presents are quickly making their way underneath. Your little one is such a cutie! Not surprised you have received so many commenters - your giveaway is awesome. :)

  10. The puppies are just saying hi to the other ones, heh.

    Your son and your tree look so happy with their Toni-made things! :D

  11. Since when did dogs all do as they were supposed to!!!
    Glad all is now good with the small chap and you xxx

  12. Great pants!! Yep, still loving them :)

  13. Yeah, hasn't the giveaway day thing been crazy? Is this your first time participating?

    Love the new quilt, and of course the tree pants look A-mazing!

  14. The one dog is upside down. So glad you were able to put the fabric to use.

  15. trees decorated by your children are the best: no fun if the grown ups take over!

  16. The tree knickers look amazing, as does the little one. Adore the quilt and the upside down pooches add interest as Debbie said! Hope you are doing better, Toni!

  17. That's the best way to decorate a tree!

  18. The tree and it's pants look great!! I think you should always put something upside down on a quilt, that way it doesn't matter which way you use it! :)

  19. Your little one is adorable! Our tree won't win any beauty contest either - our kids decorated ours too. The tinsel looks like it was just thrown on...oh, that's because it totally was just thrown on. But I love it because they are so proud of it!

  20. If it's the dogs in the corner posts, I thought maybe that was all part of the plan.

    Your tree is wonderful. The kids did a great job!
