
Thursday, December 22, 2011


...I made it to the grocery store before the sun came up...

...Marshmallows were dipped....
...and now I am waiting for two little boys to fall asleep so I can start wrapping gifts even though I really just want to go to bed...

What did you do today??


  1. Oh my, what decadent treats!! Today we went to Mount Washington, a "local" ski mountain (1hr away) where youngest son and I went snow tubing and oldest son and husband went skiing - first time for my oldest son and he did awesome!!

  2. Wow, just reading what you did makes me tired. :)
    Today was a lazy vacation day with a little sewing and visiting.

    When I've made marshmallows, I've used peppermint extract instead of vanilla and they turned out quite nice and gave the hot chocolate something a little extra.

  3. oh wow you got alot of yummy things made! Good for you!! Very cool!!

  4. Wow you are busy. I wrapped presents, got a filling, went shopping, made an appetizer, made a hostess gift, finished a 241 tote, and went to a dinner. Tomorrow I'll be even busier but then I can relax.

  5. Good grief that's a long list, still, with all that sugar you should be good to go for a while ;o) Hope everyone enjoys your makes and that you got all your wrapping done. Have a fabulous Christmas :o)

  6. Oh my gorsh, I actually gasped when I saw that you made jalapeno popper dip. It sounds so good! Now I want to make some!

    Your marshmallows are lovely!

    I'm hoping the wrapping fairy visits my house...

  7. Good luck with the wrapping - I am a quarter done!
