
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

WIP Wednesday, vol 15

I might actually have a little progress to show today! 
I haven't had a whole lot of time to sew this week with the holidays and traveling, but I got a tiny bit done. 

And look at the progress being made since last week...

It may not look like much, but I like it. Our friendly workers were only able to come back one day to work since they started, but I'm amazed at how much they can get done. They blew insulation into our attic, took out the old flooring, replaced all the studs and are nearly done hanging the drywall. It is a bit of a pain trying to keep the kids out of their way and out of the mess, but will be so worth it to have our second bathroom functional again.

Enough of that, back to the sewing...

Ok, so not a lot of actual sewing was done, but I did decide on a pattern for my Hometown quilt and got the fabric cut. I'm going to make a "Road to Tennessee" quilt, which I thought was fitting since my hometown is in fact in Tennessee. I don't think this quilt is going to be for me, though, so I guess that part doesn't matter. 

I also got my charms cut for the I-Spy Spoonflower swap. I love browsing Spoonflower and seeing all the fun designs though this is the first time that I have actually ordered anything from them. Honestly, I don't foresee me purchasing anything else. There isn't really anything wrong with it, but I almost didn't even like touching the fabric. Is that weird? 

I keep thinking of all these things that I would like to get done before Christmas, but have not even gotten started yet, so there isn't any way I could get them done with out being majorly stressed and sleep-deprived. And that isn't really what the holidays should be about, is it? 

So this morning as I was driving Wyatt to school I decided to just focus on making a few fun things to decorate the house and relax. I usually take the 2 hours or so that I'm home between trips to preschool to straighten up the house and put clothes away. This morning, I decided to sew instead. I've been wanting to make some fun pillow covers and decided to make one using Debbie's Mini "X" Quilt tutorial.  It was great to just let myself sit and sew and not worry about the clothes I should have been washing or the gifts that weren't getting made. I would much rather make someone a gift when I have time to really give it the attention it deserves, not just throw something together just because I need it by a certain day. And, I know the people who will be getting them don't mind to wait either.

Since I finally have a little progress to show, I think it's time to link back up with Lee at Freshly Pieced for W.I.P. Wednesday!


  1. Yes, I think it's a great idea to use those couple of hours for sewing - clean around the family; they'll only dirty it again anyway!! LOL

  2. I can't wait to see what you make from the Hometown fabric. I'm following! :)


  3. I couldn't agree more about the spoon flower fabric - it definitely has a weird texture to is.. don't forget to pair them before you send them! also, love the hometown idea can't wait to see how it progresses :)

  4. i thought the spoonflower fabric felt weird too! maybe it'll be better after washing?

  5. The spoon flower fabric is really cute! It does tend to feel a little different than the designer stuff we're used to.

    Love your Mini X quilt!

  6. Love your attitude about destressing the holidays. Can't wait to see your finished Mini X.

  7. Road to TN is a great choice! I made a mini using a very similar block & it turned out great. Love that you are using Hometown - I hope to in January. And you KNOW I am thrilled you are using my tutorial!! It looks so cute!!! Will love watching it progress, and I think you've encouraged me to follow the same sewing-for-gifts philosophy: don't push it!

  8. It all looks great! I look forward to seeing your hometown quilt, the road to tennessee quilt looks like a wonderful choice. And those cake/burger fabrics....hilarious and adorable and awesome all at the same time. :)

  9. Oh, I've been wanting to get some of that Hometown line, will be fun to watch that come together! And loving the mini-x's. :o)

  10. Your mini-X quilt looks really lovely!!

  11. I love the mini-X quilt pillow cover in progress! I got a free swatch of Spoonflower fabric a while back and it does feel a bit rough to the touch. I think that with the small-scale digital printing process there is probably quite a bit of sizing in the fabric to have it roll out and print correctly. Maybe after washing it would feel more soft? I can't say I have tried that yet though.

  12. I love the hometown collection too and your x-quilt looks promising!

  13. Good attitude!!
    The Spoonflower fabric sounds 'interesting'!

  14. Great Christmas attitude - I hope you enjoyed your sewing time!!

  15. I love the white/chocolate polka dot fabric and the aqua and the little quilt is so sweet!

  16. I've come to the conclusion that this is the week to deviate from all sewing plans. It's a worldwide thing, so just go with the flow :oD

    As for the fabric, I had someone cutting mine for me, so I haven't felt it yet. I have touchy feely issues though, so I can see these going straight in the wash!

  17. I agree with the weird texture of the spoonflower fabric!!! It felt almost starchy if that makes sense?!

    Can't wait to see the hometown quilt :)

  18. Great choice for the Hometown quilt - i do love that fabric! What's up the Spoonflower fabric? Those are very cute designs! I had a look at the website but it seems very pricey :(

  19. Yay for the workers coming back! Is your wall really that light green color? I like it.

    I feel the same way about the Spoonflower fabric! I was just too chicken to say. :> I do like the cutecute prints, though, so I keep joining the swaps.

    Your mini X thingy is adorable!

  20. Can't wait to see your mini x's pillow! And I totally agree about Spoonflower. I took advantage of their free swatch day and hate the feel of the fabric. So glad I didn't pay for it and won't be ordering anything from there. Too bad since I do like a lot of the designs people have been creating.

  21. The colors are really pretty together. Thanks for sharing. I saw this at WIP.

