
Friday, October 28, 2011

Carrie's Kaleidoscope

I know it hasn't been very long since you've seen my Autumn Kaleidoscope quilt, but I wanted to share a few more details about it and who I made it for. (I know that isn't proper grammar, but I don't care!)

This is my beautiful friend Carrie on her wedding day 8 years ago. She had the most amazing wedding outside by a lake on a perfect autumn day. Doesn't she just look like some kind of little fall princess? Like all she's missing is the big red sash that says "Miss Autumn" or something. 
Anyway, Carrie just reminds me of fall, my favorite time of the year, so when I started making this quilt I decided to give it to her for her birthday, which is in late September. She is my best girl-friend, so I thought she needed a little gift to remind her how special she is. Obviously, I didn't get it finished in time for her birthday (or anniversary) but I'm sure she doesn't care!

It is funny, but when we met each other we really didn't hit it off. Neither one of us can say why, but for the longest time we just kind of ignored each other, despite having so many of the same friends and her being at my apartment all the time to see my roommate. One summer we were the only ones that stayed in our college town, so she stopped by where I worked to see if I knew of any people that were hiring. I didn't, but I called her anyway and we went out that night and drove around all over the county talking and laughing and listening to horrible music. We've been great friends ever since. Unfortunately, she lives about three hours away so we don't see each other nearly enough, but when we do it is like no time has passed.

OK, since I know you didn't come here to hear me ramble about my friends, here are some details about the quilt:

Pattern: Kaleidoscope, from the Kaleidoscope QAL with Elizabeth of Don't Call Me Betsy
Fabrics: Solid is Kona Coffee, others are from Joel Dewberry's Heirloom collection, Patty Young's     Grand Bazaar, Denyse Schmidt's Hope Valley, and Lace Elements by Pat Bravo. 
Backing: Same fabrics as front. Wonky stars inspired by this quilt from Deux Petites Souris
Binding:  Links in Orchid from Pick a Bunch by Nancy Mims for Robert Kaufman
Dimensions: Approximately 60" by 72"

I am so excited to be taking part in my first Blogger's Quilt Festival
Thank you so much for visiting and be sure to stop by Amy's Creative Side and see all the other amazing quilts at the festival! Thank you so much, Amy!


  1. Beautiful! Fall is my favorite season and I love the colors!

  2. I love this quilt, to me it just whispers Autumn. I love how friendships can start out like that and develop later on :D

  3. What a lovely post. I love the colour combination. It's a different take on Autumn and it works very well indeed.

  4. WOW that quilt is amazing. I love the colours you've used - so stunning. I might have to steal that palette in the future.

  5. Still love it, Toni! I know your friend does too.

  6. So fantastic, Toni, you really did an amazing job with this quilt!! I'm not normally a fan of brown, but you really are making me change my mind about it!

  7. I like the design of this quilt and the colours you have chosen work so well. That's a lovely story behind the quilt, too. Beautiful work.

  8. Wow, what a wonderful friend you are to give her that beautiful quilt!

  9. The colours you chose for this are fantastic and I'm sure your friend will flip for this beautiful quilt!

  10. Love your colours and the quilt is as beautiful as the friendship between you and your friend must be!

  11. Your quilt is beautiful.
    And your story so sweet!!
    Have a nice day. :o)
    Sincerely, Trish

  12. What a really nice post about your friend.....I hope she reads this. Seeing your finished Kaleidoscope quilt makes me want to finish mine. I love it and Carrie will love it as well.

  13. Carrie is so lucky to have you as a friend. What a great quilt and I love your back also. Great colors and thanks for sharing your story.

  14. It's fab, and I'm sure she's going to love it regardless of when she gets it!

  15. Love this traditional pattern (Rocky road to Kansas, spiderweb) and your fall colors. Reminds me of Halloween candy. Great job on the back too.
    Come see my entries: #29 miniature reproduction quilt and #31 antique 1850 Star quilt

  16. This is gorgeous! I love the colors you chose - beautiful!!

  17. Sooo glad you finished this up - it is beautiful & what a lovely gift for your friend!! So does she have it now & was she thrilled??

  18. Toni, I love your quilt and laughed out loud at your story! This has happened to me over and over! My best friends are all women i didn't click with right away, :) The colours you chose for Carrie are amazing. Thanks for sharing! Greetings from faraway Cyprus! :)

  19. Congrats on your first festival quilt. it amazes me every time I think back to people I've met and are now good friends with... I love the colors in this quilt. Heirloom is so yummy... I've been craving some for myself.

  20. I am such a nosey-parker, it's nice to hear more about your and your friends x

  21. This is one of my favorite quilt patterns and I love the fabrics you went with. It's really just lovely!

  22. Fantastic color palette, and I love the stars on the back, wonderful quilt, your friend is very lucky.

  23. Great story behind the quilt - the friendship shows in this quilt!

  24. Congratulation. I like colors. very interesting block.

  25. Friends like that are the best, aren't they? I noticed this quilt in the Flickr pool, it's just beautiful. Nice fabric selections and placement, you did a terrific job!

  26. Gorgeous quilt and thanks for sharing the story behind it!

  27. The colours in this quilt are gorgeous!
    I love that certain colours/seasons/etc remind me of specific people & think it's great that you based a quilty gift on that :)
    I totally have a friend like that too...hung in the same crowd in highschool but we're friends until college & then we were inseperable (*sp?) She lives 2hrs away now but we always seem to jump in right where we left off when we actually get together :)

  28. It is very pretty and I like what you did on the back too.

  29. It's gorgeous! I am sure your friend adores it. I love the colors!

  30. Great color combo....I'm sure she will love it :-)

  31. It's a great story; thanks for sharing.

  32. I so adore this quilt I really could read about it every week!! Beautiful quilt for your beautiful friend - she does look so pretty and Autumnal :)

  33. love the quilt and I love the back!

  34. Love the colours and what a wonderful back! Thanks for sharing. :)

  35. Love the front, and the back! Great job :)

  36. This quilt is so beautiful!!! I love your story of friendship. Quilts inspired by love are the best!!!

  37. What a beautiful quilt! It does speak of fall; I bet your friend just loves it!

  38. I still love this quilt, but I love the story behind it even more! I'm sure your friend will cherish this quilt.

  39. What a gift to give! She will love it and for sure it will be dear to her heart!

  40. This is such a lovely gift. I would never have thought of putting those colors together but the result is quite nice.

  41. I'm glad you showed this quilt again! It's lovely and it's a lovely story behind it.

  42. Great combination of orange, pink and brown:yum!

  43. love the quilt!


  44. Beautiful! If she didn't before, Carrie knows she is special now!!!! Lovely post of your friendship:) from a displaced hoosier:)

  45. Gorgeous! love the color combo and the back is awesome!

  46. Love this quilt, and the back is wonderful, too! What an amazing gift :)

  47. I love it and I love the story! thank you for sharing. :D

  48. A beautiful quilt for a great friend-- what a great story! Thanks so much for sharing. :)

  49. very, very beautiful and I love the story.
    Thanks for sharing ☺

  50. Beautiful quilt, great story and a lucky friend!

  51. Nice colors and I'm always interested to see Kaleidoscope quilts. I can't believe I've never made one. I'll be checking out the tutorial that you've mentioned.

  52. i fully enjoyed reading about you rambling about your friend :) your quilt and your friend are lovely and i adore the quilt back.

  53. this is quite lovely ... the pattern is great, but it's your choice of the contrasting fabrics that really brings it to life!

  54. I love your color choices in this pretty quilt. It has a very distinct "personality". What a beautiful gift!

  55. I love everything about this quilt -- the color choices, the fabric choices and especially the design. I can't decide if I like the front or the back more! Your friend is so lucky =)

  56. I loved this quilt before, but hearing the story behind it makes me love it even more! Great friends are a lifetime blessing.

  57. This is gorgeous! great story too!

  58. Love the colors of your quilt! Looks great! I picked my kaleidoscope quilt for the quilt festival as well. :-)

  59. I always thought that when you haven't seen someone for a while and are still able to pick up where you left off that it was proof of how well you were matched. Love the kaleidoscope and the stars on the back. A great fall "match"!

  60. Beautiful and vibrant colors!

    Rachel @

  61. This is lovely, and the back is fantastic! Two quilts in one! Lucky friend! Thanks for sharing it!

  62. What a great quilt! I love the colors and pattern. The back is really cool too! Good story- your friend is lucky to have you!

  63. Beautiful quilt and a wonderful story of friendship :) Thanks for sharing

  64. I love the color combination and the backing! Thanks for sharing a true friendship and a beautiful quilt. Both will be treasured forever.

  65. I love everything about this quilt, especially this story. Thanks for sharing - and happy BQF!

  66. You are so fortunate to have a great friend...and how lovely to give such a personal gift to her! I enjoyed my visit!

  67. What a wonderful story...beautiful quilt...and a lucky friend. Thank you so much for sharing that story and your lovely quilt.
