
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Wedding Quilt

My husband and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary last weekend. I had planned to post about this on the actual day, but didn't get to it before we left for our trip. So imagine you are reading this on September 3rd and I won't feel like as much of a slacker, okay?

As one of our wedding present, my mom made us this quilt. She made quilts for my sister and brother for their weddings, too, so it wasn't necessarily a surprise, but in a way it was. I really did not expect to like it as much as I do. That is not to say that I don't love my mom's quilts or that I don't think she is a talented quilter, it is just that we have very different styles. But I really love this quilt.

I always wanted a Fall wedding, but Labor Day weekend was about as close to fall as we could get. Marrying a farmer means that you can't really plan any activities from mid-September until Thanksgiving, lest you miss precious harvesting time. And since we were getting married in Tennessee and so many people were traveling from Indiana and Iowa we decided that Labor Day weekend was the best time so everyone wouldn't be as rushed to get back after the wedding. It really was perfect. We had so much fun. While I was in the planning stages I had so many people tell me that they didn't even remember most of their wedding, which I thought was kind of sad. I vividly remember so many things about ours, and I'm so glad that I do. 

The fabrics in this quilt were actually used as runners on the tables at our reception. So it is kind of fun to have that link to our wedding in the quilt.

Of course I couldn't leave without a shot of it on the chicken house...


  1. i love the colors, and the fact that the fabrics were used at the wedding. lovely job by your mom! fun fact- my anniversary is sept 2!

  2. Lovely story, and great quilt to keep the memories alive!
    We'll be celebrating 8 years on the 27th - where does the time go!?

  3. What a beautiful quilt, and how lovely to have a piece from your wedding with the runners - love stories that make you nostalgic! congrats on your anniversary! My grandparents celebrated 62 years together on sept 3, I hope you guys have that many and more together happily :)

  4. What an awesome gift! Did your mom hand quilt it?

  5. Happy anniversary. It's a lovely quilt.

    I was married nearly 34 years ago - I remember it was hot, my face ached from smiling for all those photos and my dad made me cry with a simple seven word speech!

  6. Congrats on your anniversary! Ours is tomorrow - the 8th - 32 years! wow. Beautiful quilt & I also love that some of the fabric was the same as runners at the wedding. very cool.

  7. September the 3rd it is. Done. What a stunning fall quilt...perfect for September! And yes, I am so glad you took a photo on the chicken looks so Quilter's Magazine-ish doesn't it?

  8. Happy Anniversary.. I love it! And so cool that part of the fabric is linked to your wedding. We had our 6 year Anni. this year too. :)

  9. Oh congrats and happy anniversary! What a lovely present to get!

  10. Happy Anniversary! And thanks for being an example to the folks around you by sticking with it.

    Beautiful quilt. Maybe Mom knew that your tastes were different and curbed hers in favor of yours for the occasion?! Sounds like something a mom would do.

    I hope those chickens appreciate all of the lovely quilts you hang on their door. They are some lucky birds.

  11. It is a pretty quilt and its color is also attractive. It is also a beautiful gift.
    wedding saver
