
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Three down, one to go...

Tired of hearing about this swap yet? Well, I'm almost done. 

Here is the mug rug for my second partner. Still have to figure out my "goodie" for her, but I hope she likes this part. I had fun making it, but I found myself making lots of dumb mistakes. At least three times I fused the stuff (sorry for the technical jargon) to the wrong side of the fabric, then when I was getting ready to stick the petals to the background, I peeled the backing off one and ironed it on, but realized I would need to put one of the other petals under it so I had to peel off part of it. Then I went ahead and laid out all the petals how I wanted them and ironed. Only, I am an idiot and hadn't peeled the paper off the other petals yet, so obviously that didn't work.

One of the petals shifted a bit during pressing, so the middle of the flower didn't look quite right. I decided a button would cover it nicely. I was totally shocked that I had a button that sorta goes with the design. 

Originally, I wanted to echo quilt around the flower, but all my attempts looked pathetic, so I went for the diagonals instead. 

It's a little hard to see, but I love how the back fabric has a similar design as the flower on the front. And it is my partner's favorite colors, so that's always a plus. I don't keep an enormous amount of fabric and supplies on hand, so I always love when things work out how I want, using what I have.

Linking up with Fabric Tuesday at Quilt Story. Thanks girls!

Edited to link up to Mini Quilt Mondays at Fresh Lemon Quilts. Thanks, Faith!


  1. This looks great! I love that the flower on the front matches the print on the back. Very clever!

  2. Darling! Love those little mug rugs!!

  3. This is so pretty, I love the vibrant colors of the flower! Wouldn't that make a beautiful quilt block in a larger quilt. Great way to use up favourite scraps as the petals.

  4. Brilliant Toni - love the button detail!!

  5. So cute! I love how your quilted it - really pretty!

  6. Despite all the trauma, it looks fab, and love the quilting

  7. I don't use mugs, not really a hot beverage drinker...and yet Toni I keep seeing all these cool mug rugs I am tempted to make a few. Darn it! Like I don't have enough projects? Anyway, love the quilting mimicking the shape, good choice!

  8. So pretty!! Love it, the colors, design and quilting. Well done! We're following now too :)

  9. What a beautiful mug rug - it really is lovely. I can't believe I've never seen your blog before today - I'll definitely be back!

  10. What a cute quilt and the back is wonderful : )

  11. It's so cute! You have such nice neat blanket stitches around the petals! They look lovely! Don't worry about the echo quilting. I had a quilt I was going to try it on and it was also a total disaster. I ripped it all out and went with something else too!

  12. The diagonal quilting really adds to the echo of the flower, nice and bright all around! A very cute flower...ready for the throw size version :)
