
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday Think Tank

I've got to get this list down somewhere or I'll go insane....

I keep trying to make a list of things I want to get done in the near future, but my papers keep getting hijacked by my kids. When I go to review my list I either can't find it or it is shoved somewhere with marker scribbles all over it. So I decided this was the best place to do it. Then, I remembered my friend Rebecca has a Thursday Think Tank, and what do you know, I'm actually doing something on time!! So if you want to see what some other fabulous people have on their To-Do lists, head over there and check it out!

1. Halloween/Fall Table Runner
I love this Halloween runner by Anna of Noodleheads. I am awful at remembering to decorate for the seasons. My kids love it when I put fun little things out, so I really want to get better at this, but I am so picky! Happily, this table runner doesn't offend my style.

2. Quillows for my boys

Isn't this cute? I have been wanting to make a quillow for each of my boys, but had forgotten about it until I saw this tutorial by Nova at A Cuppa and a Catch Up. I would love to get these done by Christmas, at least for the older boys. Not sure that will happen, but maybe I could shoot for their birthdays.

3. I-Spy Placemats

Again with the stuff for my kids...I've been gradually collecting some fabrics for these but I think I still need a few more. The pretty ones pictured above are from Stitches and Scissors.

4. Updated version of Dana's robe for the boys

You can see my first attempts here, but I want to make them each another robe, and maybe a couple for my nephews, too. They are so easy and fun to make, not to mention seriously cute on little kids. The next ones I make will be long sleeved with contrasting fabrics in the hood and cuffs and cute bias trim.

There are several more things on the list, but I hear the baby waking up and a certain two year old is nagging me for some oatmeal, so I guess that's all the time for today...

Thanks, Rebecca Lynne!!


  1. Oh there are even More things I need to add to my list! I love all of these Toni! I want to make the I Spy placemat and the robe? So cute!!! You just might see these on my list next Thursday! So glad to see your think tank at work I knew I'd love it.

  2. Good idea! I love the Quillow!!! I add all my stuff to Pinterest, but then I have a habit of not looking over my list of projects for a while.

  3. Good luck with your list. The quillow's been on mine for a while - it may end up as my dad's Christmas pressie for when he's away walking

  4. Oh fantastic! That quillow tutorial is brilliant, shall add it to my list. I need to get better at seasonal decorating too (seriously... we didn't even manage a christmas tree last year!!) xx

  5. Darling Halloween table runner! I really like your I-Spy are stitching up some fun stuff!!

  6. Those placemats would be a great things for kids! Too bad I don't have any myself, otherwise I would be all over it.

  7. That's a great list! I'll be watching, and nagging from the other side of the ocean!

  8. Ah, lists (or maybe that should just be paper)and children!

  9. The I spy place mats are such a great idea! I'd love to know if they actually help with that pesky sitting at the table through an entire meal challenge.
